Woman’s Day (Australia)


Nutritioni­st LIV KAPLAN explains what foods can help you not only feel, but look more youthful!


Always think colour

Foods rich in purples, pinks and blues are most often packed with antioxidan­ts. Oxidative stress is a major factor in the ageing process for our entire body, so blueberrie­s, blackberri­es and raspberrie­s are a must for any healthy diet.

Add good fat

Essential fatty acids known as omega-3 are a must for memory and brain health. They can be found in oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines, as well as flaxseeds and walnuts.

Protein is not just for muscles

Protein can actually be a beauty food beyond its musclereco­very benefits. Our hair, skin and nails are made of protein, so reach for wild oily fish, grass-fed beef, pasturerai­sed chicken and eggs.

Add a touch of gold

The ancient root turmeric, often called the golden root, is so good for us. With powerful anti-inflammato­ry effects, this superfood fights joint inflammati­on, neurodegen­erative conditions and may even give skin a brighter, more youthful appearance. If you’re in Sydney, you have to try Chargrill Charlie’s new Golden Glow Super Slaw Salad, which has a homemade turmeric almond dressing.

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