Woman’s Day (Australia)

Health The war against germs, probiotics

A healthy home starts with separating cleaning fact from fiction

- Dr Ronald Mccoy

Although they lurk in our homes, offices and even on our bodies, not all germs are created equal. Without “good” bacteria in our gut, we wouldn’t be able to digest food or absorb nutrients, while the “bad” bacteria that lurk in our homes and offices can make us unwell. “These [bad] germs are one of the leading causes of illness and death in the world,” says Dr Ronald Mccoy from the Royal Australian College of General Practition­ers (RACGP). “They affect us by infecting our cells or producing toxins that make us ill.”

There are ways to protect yourself from catching and spreading diseases without going too far. But what remedies work and which aren’t worth the worry? It’s time to clean up the confusion.

A spotless toilet can’t spread germs FICTION

“No amount of scrubbing can stop your toilet from spreading

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