Woman's Day (Australia)


Tom’s daughter’s devotion to the church is out of this world...


An alien face is the latest est addition to Bella Cruise’s uise’s ever-expanding collection of tattoos – and sources say it has a hidden meaning.

The daughter of Hollywood megastars Tom Cruise, 56, and Nicole Kidman, 51, showed off the brand new inking on her finger as she stepped out recently.

The 26-year-old’s artwork is thought to symbolise her commitment to Scientolog­y, given that followers are widely reported to believe the secret of life stems from a galactic overlord by the name of Xenu.

Bella is known to love an inking, and it’s not the first with a secret message.

Several years ago, the young Scientolog­ist debuted an “Eye of Horus” symbol on her inner right forearm.

One of the best-known symbols s of ancient Egypt, it is believed to provide protection, health and rejuvenati­on but it’s also linked to the work of occultist Aleister Crowley – a self-identified prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into a new era called the “Aeon of Horus” in the early 20th century.

While it might appear to be a step out of line for devout Scientolog­ist Bella, sources tell Woman’s Day the two belief systems are linked and Scientolog­y founder L Ron Hubbard was an early devotee of Aleister’s teachings.

Bella also sports several other pieces of body art, including a big bumblebee and a peacock feather on her left arm.

 ??  ?? Tattoo fan Bella steps out in London with her husband Max Parker.
Tattoo fan Bella steps out in London with her husband Max Parker.

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