Woman’s Day (Australia)


JENNY BLUME predicts your destiny for JULY 22-28


Cancer JUNE 22 – JULY 23

and turns and Flow with the twists productive this could end up a even stumble period – you might money-making upon an intriguing the way. idea (or person!) along outdoorsy For singles, someone pull, could exert a powerful find while parents might their themselves reliving the kids. childhood through


JUL 24 – AUG 23

Look out world! With the sun and Mars both energising your sign, you’re rearing to go. An exciting opportunit­y might even land in your lap, but don’t scrimp on research under the Mercury retrograde. Meanwhile, kick up your heels with family and friends, then launch things off in early August.


AUG 24 – SEP 23

Practices such as meditation or yoga could bring a fresh sense of calm and balance, so if need be, research a few options. And don’t feel guilty about focusing on yourself. Be sure to indulge this heart-ruled period with a romantic movie or two – or catch a live show!


SEP 24 – OCT 23

Trust your instincts and start making plans! People may be surprised by the confident new you, but the results should prove impressive. Team efforts could reveal hidden leadership skills, not just at work, but within your community. If your job’s been getting you down, listen out for some inside info.


OCT 24 – NOV 22

Life’s looking busy, so delegate what you can at home and work. Squeeze in plenty of good food too, and plan a few early nights. As August approaches, you’ll need a clear head to make big decisions. If your skills need upgrading, look out for a tempting opportunit­y.


NOV 23 – DEC 22

Itching for action? Don’t let impatience derail you. The August 1 new moon could bring breakthrou­ghs or good news, but for now, focus on unwinding. Revisit a favourite haunt, rewatch a classic movie or dust off old recipe books. Sometimes, the originals really are the best!


DEC 23 – JAN 20

Transforma­tions are written in your stars, so make this the month to shake up your routines. Catch a comedy after work, explore a new part of town or get experiment­al in the kitchen. Sunday’s frenetic Gemini moon should bring energy to burn, so parents, keep the kids busy too!


JAN 21 – FEB 19

Don’t hold it all in! Speaking up will put things back into perspectiv­e, and as a spin-off, your closest relationsh­ips should reap rewards. A getaway could rekindle the romance for couples (even if it’s shared), while for singles, a friend’s matchmakin­g efforts might finally pay off. Wear red for pizzazz.


FEB 20 – MAR 20

Ease off the accelerato­r or late winter could bring a wake-up call – at the very least, reassess your fitness levels or book a health check. Dance classes or social sports might be more fun than expected. If your work-life balance has been teetering, these stars might tip the balance.


MAR 21 – APR 20

Bring on the fun! Your social sector is glowing, and thanks to Mercury, familiar faces are popping up everywhere. Sunday’s chatty moon might even bring a reunion, or a faraway friend come up with a brilliant suggestion. The tricky part? Eating sensibly and not overdoing the partying.


APR 21 – MAY 21

Balancing your needs with outer responsibi­lities may feel like an impossible dream, but breakthrou­ghs are on the cards. Start by dropping a time-consuming activity, then rally some extra help at home. For couples, July’s sensual stars might reawaken that first flush of romance!


MAY 22 – JUN 21

Searching for more stimulatio­n? Listen out for a friend’s left-field suggestion, then look around for a like-minded group. Book clubs, community projects, local classes… relationsh­ips formed through late-winter could change your life. Under Venus’ magnetic rays, things could turn romantic.

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