Woman’s Day (Australia)

Behind The Scenes

How they’ll celebrate if they win the $250,000 prize


Larissa Takchi She started finals week with a bang, with back-to back wins, and the Sydney cook hopes there’s room for one more. “I

want to open up another restaurant that’s nestled within a farm. It’s a concept I’ve been thinking about for much later in the future where everything I serve will be from the farm. Knowing my typical Lebanese family, I’ll be having a huge finale viewing party!

“My entire family will be there, probably stuffing our faces with good food and Lebanese alcohol. Gosh,

I can’t wait to cook back at home with no pressure of time limit or restrictio­ns!”

Tessa Boersma She’s only the second cook in Masterchef history to score two pins. Will the odds be in Tessa’s favour?

“I’d definitely

take a trip overseas so I can explore more cuisines but I would also love to own my own restaurant one day, so the prize money would go towards that.

“A party is in order! Being with all my friends and family to celebrate what has been a huge few months for me will be exactly what I need.

“I’m thinking some spicy wings and beer, surrounded by my loved ones, and I will be a happy woman!”

Simon Toohey He’s the owner of George’s coveted tweezers but now Simon’s after a spot on the winners board. “If

I win I’ll be saving that money until I’m ready to open my smokehouse. It’s been the goal since I started and I’m excited to sink my teeth into it. I’ll also look at being an advocate for a sustainabl­e food culture in Australia.

“I’ll be celebratin­g with my partner Georgia and a very, very cold martini. Is it wrong to say I won’t be cooking anything? I’ll be getting someone to cook for me, and I might yell out, ‘Twenty minutes to goooo!’ just to see their reaction...”

Tim Bone A five-star steak brought him back to the competitio­n. Here’s hoping it’s not a rare occasion for Tim...


I win I’ll be spending the prize money on my toast food truck, which has been my food dream right from the start. I’ll also use the money to go on a long holiday!

“At the end of the show I’ll definitely be celebratin­g by having a cheeky beer! It will be good to be back home and see my wife Abbey, family, friends and my dog Harry.

“I look forward to getting back in my kitchen and not being under the pressure of the Masterchef kitchen.”

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