Woman's Day (Australia)


The outwardly cheerful actress shares her relationsh­ip sorrow


When Jennifer Aniston bluntly revealed in a recent interview her family told her she’ll “never make a dime” out of acting, it was finally confirmati­on of what many had long suspected – she’s not a fan of her dad, Journeyman actor John Aniston.

In her chat, she defiantly added, “Just watch me. Don’t threaten me. God knows I’m going to make a few dimes.”

Now 50 and worth almost $440 million, largely thanks to her role on hit TV show Friends, insiders pointed out it was curious timing to reveal her fraught relationsh­ip with her Days Of Our Lives star dad, 86.

“John’s pushing 90 and really slowing down” says a source. “He’s battling health problems and preparing to retire. He knows he and Jen haven’t had the easiest time together over the years, but he’s stunned she would bring up old wounds like that now.”


In 2012, Jen hinted she and John weren’t seeing eye to eye, saying, “My dad’s advice has always been, ‘Don’t do it [becoming an actor]. Be a doctor, a lawyer.’ It compelled me to go for it even

harder. Do what keeps you happy, and don’t let people box you in.”

According to our insider, the last time Jen saw her dad was at her 50th birthday party in February. “Even that felt like keeping up appearance­s. Jennifer certainly doesn’t go out of her way to go and visit her dad,” says a source, who adds he lives just two hours from Jen’s Bel Air pad at a tidy home in Oxnard with his second wife, Sherry Rooney.


“Jen barely speaks to Sherry, and has been estranged from Sherry and John’s kid AJ – her halfbrothe­r – since before he was a teenager,” says a source.

“When Jen’s been wronged, she is very quick to cut people, coldly and permanentl­y. Her private life really is a mess and probably explains why she has trouble holding onto relationsh­ips.”

Jen, who has gone through two failed marriages, to Brad Pitt and Justin Theroux, was even more estranged from her mother Nancy Dow than she is her father.

‘It explains why she has trouble holding onto relationsh­ips’

“She was a model and she was all about presentati­on and what she looked like and what I looked like,” Jen said in 2018. “I did not come out the model child she was hoping for.”

Jen remained in a bitter standoff with Nancy until patching things up with her just before her death from a stroke in Los Angeles in 2016 – and insiders close to John say he holds out hope that Jen will come back to him, too.

“John knows he’s an old man and his time could be up at any moment,” says a source. “He speaks to Jen occasional­ly but would like to re-establish a relationsh­ip with her before it’s too late. More so because it might help her heal than anything else. She might present as a sunny, bubbly character but John knows she carries a lot of pain from her childhood and he’s anxious to make that right, if it’s s the last thing he does. does.”

 ??  ?? Jen is consoled by a friend in LA.
Her frought relationsh­ips appear to have taken their toll.
Jen is consoled by a friend in LA. Her frought relationsh­ips appear to have taken their toll.
 ??  ?? John attended Jen’s 50th birthday party in February.
John attended Jen’s 50th birthday party in February.

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