Woman’s Day (Australia)


JENNY BLUME predicts your destiny for JAN 6-12



21 – FEB 19

With Saturday’s eclipse spurring you on, just do it. If a health problem has flared over summer, a different approach could make a real difference. Towards the weekend, a stroke of good fortune could be a cause for celebratio­n, while at home, colourful art or furnishing­s might lift the whole vibe.


20 – MAR 20

As Uranus builds momentum, positive new routines should emerge. A family-friendly pastime might appeal to the kids, too. Use this period to drop bad habits or try healthier foods. If a local club or project has caught your eye, get involved. If it’s creative, all the better!


21 – APR 20

With Saturday’s eclipse casting a spotlight onto your family, problems will be aired, whether you like it or not. Conversati­ons may be feisty, but as a result, clever ideas will be thrown into the ring. Sunday’s high-energy stars look fun, especially for parents. Plan something special!


21 – MAY 21

For many Bulls, horizons are expanding and options are opening up. Your links to a local group or organisati­on may be fading, but a new cycle is set to unfold. With Uranus, the planet of change and originalit­y spurring you on, trust your instincts and take the plunge.


22 – JUN 21

Light bulb moments await! Saturday’s eclipse could illuminate health, fitness or finances – entreprene­urial Twins might even dream up a business idea, or a fundraisin­g venture could capture your imaginatio­n. Your ability to pull people together is impressive, so go on, put those communicat­ion skills to good use.


22 – JUL 23

If your wardrobe could do with a freshen up, hit the new year sales (on any day but Thursday), then look into local classes or fitness sessions. Shaping a new you should be easy under January’s transforma­tional stars, so don’t put it off. Couples, your partner might even join you.


24 – AUG 23

Knowledge is power, as they say. If you’ve been searching for answers, these penetratin­g patterns could prove revealing – they might even expose a lie or shed light on a longstandi­ng mystery. But hey, it’s not all serious. Cultural and outdoor events should be more fun than expected, especially for singles.


24 – SEP 23

Feel your priorities shifting? If you’ve been thinking about joining a club or taking on more responsibi­lity, this week’s eclipse could tip the balance. Your social circle is evolving, too – likeminded people are drawn towards you. Don’t let misguided loyalties hold you back.


24 – OCT 23

Make some positive lifestyle changes – before the cosmos does for you. Clear out your pantry, take out exercise gear or share a pastime with the kids. If finances are stressing you out, Uranus’ velocity should nudge things along. Pop a citrine in your purse for money luck.


24 – NOV 22

Eclipses tend to spring surprises. A brewing problem could bubble over, but you might catch a glimpse of what’s really going on. If study or travel plans are unravellin­g, keep an open mind, and rather than play it safe, rekindle that adventurou­s streak.

Sagittariu­s NOV 23 – DEC 22

The winds of change are blowing! After months of uncertaint­y, the cosmos is conjuring up some exciting new plans and opportunit­ies. As Uranus cranks up speed, things could happen quickly, and as luck would have it, finances could loosen up as well. Conversati­ons should prove productive, so start talking.

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