Woman’s Day (Australia)


When they were asked to be on the show they had no idea it would be such a hit


It’s every person’s dream, getting paid to watch their favourite shows! And while TV’S Gogglebox once seemed like a bizarre idea, it’s become a hit Down Under, thanks to its hilarious everyday Aussie families.

After 10 seasons and plenty of must-see TV, Indigenous art dealers Mick and Di tell Woman’s Day they never expected the show to be so popular. “Di and I were kind of puzzled as to how we ended up on the show,” admits Mick, 77. “We thought one season or even a few episodes would be nice but we’re still here!”

Ten seasons, four Logies and a slew of ratings wins would give the best of us a big head, but Mick and Di maintain the Ten show hasn’t changed the family-focused couple. “I don’t think it’s changed our life that much, apart from being recognised when we’re out and about,” says Di. “Surprising­ly we’ve not had negative feedback from anyone. Perhaps those who don’t like us have had the good grace to keep it to themselves!

“We continue to be amazed by the number of young people who come up to us saying how much they like the show,” she says.

Meanwhile, Mick recalls a hilarious moment where he and Di were stuck in Sydney traffic and a bus full of teenagers freaked out at spotting them.

“They had their caps on backwards, looking really cool… but when they saw us they yelled, ‘ Gogglebox!’” laughs Mick, who says they instantly “lost their cool”.

According to the couple, who have been married for 50 years and share two adult children, becoming overnight TV stars was a case of being in the right place at the right time. “We were at an art exhibition opening when we were approached by a nice chap who asked if we knew about the UK Gogglebox. We pleaded ignorance,” tells Mick. “He asked if we’d be interested in being on the show. We said, ‘Of course’, not really expecting to hear from him again.”

Di, 73, adds, “Within two weeks we were interviewe­d and on TV.” It happened so fast they felt railroaded at first, she says, but don’t regret their decision now.

Mick has some wise words for those hoping to audition for the next season. “Remember to enjoy it. Don’t take things too seriously and always be yourself.”

 ??  ?? “Enjoy it, and be yourself,” Mick advises new recruits.
“Enjoy it, and be yourself,” Mick advises new recruits.
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