Woman’s Day (Australia)

Ask Mitchell

Medium MITCHELL COOMBES answers your concerns

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Q i’ve lost my parents – my father 22 years ago and my mum nearly four years ago. Do they have any messages for me? Will I ever meet someone in my life? If so, what will he look like? Does age matter? Rose, via email

MITCHELL SAYS Both of your parents come through together with so much love for you. Your father tells me he was there to collect your mother when she passed. Your beautiful mum is sitting on a bench in a garden that is filled with colourful flowers. She tells me they are both happy upstairs and watching over you. Your mum says you are never too old to find love. I’m told that in the future you’ll meet a man who has mid-dark brown hair and is slightly taller than yourself. It will be a meeting of like minds and you’ll be a comfort to each other.

Q I’M worried about one of my granddaugh­ters. Is she going to be OK? My husband and I moved interstate 11 years ago for his work. Will we ever move back home and be able to buy a house? Lorrain, via email

MITCHELL SAYS I have a lovely lady from your mother’s side coming in. She tells me she’s watching over the granddaugh­ter you’ve asked about. I feel your granddaugh­ter has struggled with her emotions and feelings. I’m told that over the coming year, her outlook on life will change for the better and you’ll see a new girl emerge – she’ll become much happier within herself. I’m told you and your husband still have two more years where you currently live and then you’ll be ready to move back home. I feel you’ll end up buying a house in an area you’ve always been drawn to. Please send both your photo and question for Mitchell to Woman’s Day,

GPO Box 5245, Sydney, NSW 2001, or email womansday@bauer-media.

com.au. Keep questions under 80 words. Sorry, no personal replies.

 ??  ?? A positive transforma­tion awaits Lorrain’s granddaugh­ter this year.
A positive transforma­tion awaits Lorrain’s granddaugh­ter this year.
 ??  ??

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