Woman’s Day (Australia)



After washing the children’s clothes, Mr Henry was dismayed to later discover three items needed to be rewashed. From the clues, can you tell each item of clothing and its colour, the child it belongs to and why it needed rewashing?


1. When Mr Henry collected the washing, she found Ben’s shirt had fallen on the ground.

2. The hoodie Mr Henry had to rewash was black.

3. A bird messed on Mr Henry’s daughter’s item of clothing.

4. The blue item of clothing had been hit by a dirty ball during a backyard game of footy.

Each time you rule out a match, put a cross where the vertical and horizontal squares meet in the grid. When you find a match, put a tick in the grid. Also put a cross in the other two squares horizontal­ly and vertically in the same line, as no other combinatio­ns can be true. By doing so, you’ll gradually be able to solve the puzzle.

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