Woman’s Day (Australia)


The mum-of-two could be back for more at the Brisbane Olympics


She made Australia proud as she soared high above the stadium in the 2000 Olympic Games opening ceremony when she was just 13 years old. And as our country prepares to host the Games once more in 2032, our “Hero Girl” Nikki Webster tells Woman’s Day that she’ll jump at the chance to do it all over again!

“I’d love to perform in Brisbane, who wouldn’t?! I mean, it’s the most rewarding performanc­e of any person’s career, to represent your country on a global scale. It’s pretty awesome,” she says.

The 34-year-old says her “mind was blown” when she woke up to a petition, started by 2GB’S Deborah Knight, to get her back to perform, adding, “The Olympics are always a very special time for me, so to be thought of in that way is just incredible. It’s very humbling.”

By the time the ceremony arrives in 2032, Nikki will be 45, which she admits is “crazy” to think about – especially as she remembers standing on the stage in 2000 like it was yesterday!

“I remember watching Cathy Freeman light the cauldron and I was thinking, ‘Where will I be in four years’ time?’ I certainly wasn’t thinking about where I’d be at 45,” she laughs.

And while she acknowledg­es the ceremony is years away, Nikki still has some ideas about what her performanc­e would look like.

“I would love to fly again! And technology has come a long way so maybe I could even levitate across the stage or something,” she laughs. “But I definitely won’t be wearing the pink dress.”

Perhaps her seven-year-old daughter Skylah, who will be just a few years older than Nikki was when she performed, could get involved, too? “If she wanted to be, absolutely,” Nikki enthuses.

“Watching my kids watch the coverage now, it’s clear they love the Olympics. So whichever way, we’re going to be in Brisbane in 2032, being proud Aussies.”

And if she had any wisdom to impart to Skylah and three-year-old son Malachi, Nikki would tell them to “enjoy it, shine and be grateful”.

“You have this opportunit­y to make your country proud, so go out there and have fun and soak it all up,” she says.

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 ??  ?? Nikki was the star at the 2000 opening ceremony...
Nikki was the star at the 2000 opening ceremony...
 ??  ?? Nikki wants her kids to experience the magic of the Games.
Nikki wants her kids to experience the magic of the Games.

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