Woman’s Day (Australia)




1. Clear quartz

5. Latest informatio­n 8. Rash speed 9. Caught in a snare 11. Tattered, ripped 12. Ponder, muse on 15. Most dire, the … possible situation 16. Poetry

19. Shrieked with fear 21. Erode, … away 23. Multiplied by two 25. Preliminar­y rounds before finals

26. Odds and ends, this and … 27. Embraced, … a cause


2. Water storage 3. Observed, had … 4. Writer, novelist 5. Short sleep

6. In what location? 7. Neat tots of spirits, tequila … 10. Respond verbally

13. At wit’s end, hopeless 14. Tel Aviv is there 17. Moved towards, … home 18. Hand-arm joint 20. Piece of fabric

22. Liner or freighter, eg 24. Flying mammal, fruit …

 ??  ??

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