Woman’s Day (Australia)



Some weird things are left on buses; last week drivers handed in three bizarre items to the bus station’s lost and found office. From the clues, can you tell the driver that found each item, their bus’s route and destinatio­n?


1. Jill didn’t find the wooden pirate peg-leg on her route, which has the highest number.

2. Stan drives the only even number route, which stops at the shopping mall.

3. The taxidermy chicken was found on the lowest number route.

3. Peter does not drive by the park.

Each time you rule out a match, put a cross where the vertical and horizontal squares meet in the grid. When you find a match, put a tick in the grid. Also put a cross in the other two squares horizontal­ly and vertically in the same line, as no other combinatio­ns can be true. By doing so, you’ll gradually be able to solve the puzzle.

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