Woman’s Day (Australia)



For the past three nights, Lang has been woken up from his sleep. From the clues, can you work out at what time each night he was rudely awoken, what woke him up and what he did to try to go back to sleep?


1. When Lang was woken up at 1am on Wednesday it wasn’t by an animal.

2. The latest rousing was on Tuesday.

3. The first disturbanc­e of the week was a neighbour’s barking dog; on this occasion Lang didn’t count sheep.

4. After being woken by the car alarm, Lang read a book for 30 minutes.

Each time you rule out a match, put a cross where the vertical and horizontal squares meet in the grid. When you find a match, put a tick in the grid. Also put a cross in the other two squares horizontal­ly and vertically in the same line, as no other combinatio­ns can be true. By doing so, you’ll gradually be able to solve the puzzle.

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