Woman’s Day (Australia)


All the common symbols and scenarios explained...


There a number of familiar dreams some of us experience, and it can be tricky to make sense of what they mean. Rose Inserra, author of Inside Your Dreams, explains the most common dream symbols and what they represent. 1 NAKED IN PUBLIC

This common embarrassi­ng scenario highlights your real-life feelings of vulnerabil­ity and feeling exposed in some area of your life. The dream usually comes up when you are starting a new job or a relationsh­ip and you are worried about revealing your true self, showing your lack of self-confidence in your new role. 2 WATER Water is a powerful symbol of our emotions. How you are feeling in your waking life will appear in dreams as water themes. If the water is muddy and threatenin­g to pull you under, it represents swelling feelings of being overwhelme­d and swamped during a stressful time. Swimming or being near clear water means clarity and emotional control. If you are on a boat, it means you have emotional support. 3

SNAKES The reptile have been long associated with trickery, deceit, danger and sexuality. We generally connect snakes with a silent threat – a warning from the subconscio­us we need protection from a potentiall­y dangerous situation or from a person n who may be out to deceive e us (a snake in the grass). Inside Your Dreams: An Advanced Guide To Your Night Visions (Rockpool Publishing, $29.99)

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