Woman’s Day (Australia)




1. Brawl 5. Spanners, chisels, etc 8. Severe, cruel

9. Store of valuables, treasure … 10. Alphabetic­al subject list in a book

11. Gapes tiredly

14. Fifty per cent 17. Serving salver 19. Common name for otalgia 20. Celebrity, renown 21. Naming word 22. Taking the most time, the … journey 23. Small green vegetables 25. Cabins

28. Harbour transport boat 31. Singing group 32. Occur, crop up 33. Senior in years 34. Vaporised water 35. Smelling organs


1. Bring in, … a good price 2. Dog’s aggressive sound 3. Those people 4. Ship’s personnel

5. Bits and pieces,

… and that

6. Edict, decree 7. Number of seconds in a minute 12. Organise

13. Atomic power generator, … reactor

15. No longer asleep 16. Examines by touch 17. Fraction equal to 0.1 18. Person of age

23. Fills a suitcase,

… his bags 24. Unaccompan­ied 26. Modules, … of study 27. Sloughs off, … its skin 28. Movie, … Dusk Till Dawn 29. Travel by horse 30. Tale, story

 ??  ??

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