Woman’s Day (Australia)



1 Upon winning four gold and three bronze medals at the 2020 Summer Olympics, swimming superstar Emma Mckeon (pictured) became Australia’s most successful Olympian ever, with a career haul of how many medals?

2 What is the highest number of the regular ph scale?

3 Which Egyptian god is depicted with the head of a falcon?

4 In medicine, which word describes an artificial body part?

5 Which Greek mountain is associated with the Muses?

6 How many Apollo missions landed on the moon?

7 In Western countries, Easter Monday can occur in which two months?

8 The Lonely Goatherd is a song from which musical and film?

9 What does an agrostolog­ist study?

10 Which origami animal signifies peace?

11 Helen Fielding wrote which famous fictional diary?

12 Australia’s longest-serving prime minister, Sir Robert Menzies (pictured), was in office for how many years in total?

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