Woman’s Day (Australia)


Designed to support fast weight loss, new Isowhey Optimum VLCD is the first shake to contain the added beauty and weight loss benefits of collagen


Hands up if you’ve decided it’s time to get more body positive, lose weight or take better care of your skin? Whether you’re working towards a special occasion or just aiming for overall health, new Isowhey Optimum VLCD + Collagen can help achieve your goal.


A VLCD (very low-calorie diet) is used to fast-track weight loss by limiting calorie intake. By replacing either one, two or three meals a day your body is encouraged to use up fat stores for energy.

As well as being packed with essential vitamins and minerals to support your body during, Isowhey Optimum is the first VLCD shake in Australia to contain clinically studied collagen peptides for additional beauty and weight loss benefits.


For skin specialist cosmetic surgeon, Dr Michael Zacharia often sees women who are worried about wrinkles, thinner hair, and sagging skin after rapid weight loss.

“Scientific studies show VERISOL® hydrolysed collagen peptides help support skin elasticity and firmness, helping to reduce wrinkles. It’s the perfect ingredient to feel good about yourself when losing weight. I recommend VERISOL® collagen to all my clients regardless of whether they need to lose weight.”


VERISOL® collagen has a multitude of potential health benefits. It influences the skin’s collagen metabolism directly from the inside by increasing skin moisture and delaying the formation of wrinkles. VERISOL® collagen has been clinically studied to improve the firmness and elasticity of your skin as well as reduce the appearance of cellulite when taken everyday.

It can also help improve hair thickness and strength.

“Isowhey VLCD fits into my busy lifestyle while still helping me look after my body and my skin”

Sofie C.


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