Woman’s Day (Australia)


- JENNY BLUME predicts your destiny for JANUARY 3-9

Capricorn DEC 23 – JAN 20

Cast those worries aside! Enjoy a long lunch, catch a show or revisit a place you love.

If you need a lift, invest some time and money in yourself. As your social diary fills up, you’ll want to look and feel your best.

STAR TIP A change of scenery might be just the elixir you need! DIANE KEATON The actress is certainly happy in her own company. “I’m really glad I never got married,” she says.

Aquarius JAN 21 – FEB 19

Take a cue from the cosmos and slow down. Whether it’s a lazy beach walk or a leisurely lunch with friends, recharge those batteries. As the festivitie­s subside, a clever idea could make save you money – anything involving recycling or swapping should work a treat.

STAR TIP Think twice before spending up big, particular­ly on Saturday.

Pisces FEB 20 – MAR 20

You’re being swept into a whirl of feverish activity, but make time for heart-to-hearts as well. Let yourself lean on friends, and remember, humour is the best medicine. If fitness is flagging, joining forces with a like-minded group might be your best plan of attack. STAR TIP Seeds sown under this week’s fertile new moon should thrive.

Aries MAR 21 – APR 20

The stars are aligned for success, so let yourself dream! With your ability to inspire and lead, you might even start a group or become your own boss. Fresh air should feel like a magic elixir this month – if travel or adventure is thrown into the mix, all the better.

STAR TIP Avoid shopping on Saturday or Mars could lead you astray.

Taurus APR 21 – MAY 21

With movement swirling through your chart, seize the chance to travel, even if it’s a quick daytrip or weekend away. Under these sentimenta­l stars, old-school camping might even appeal. On the job front, an intriguing offer or suggestion might get you thinking.

STAR TIP Why not pass on a few skills in the garden or kitchen?

Gemini MAY 22 – JUN 21

As thoughts turn to deeper matters, why not discuss longer-term plans or broach a topic you’ve been avoiding? Conversati­ons should feel cathartic and bring a sense of relief. With Jupiter lighting the way, exciting new paths could appear through summer.

STAR TIP Pop a citrine crystal into a bag or purse for money luck.

Cancer JUN 22 – JUL 23

Solutions are close at hand, so open up about something that’s bothering you. A more active lifestyle could help couples to reconnect, while on the family front, a conversati­on might allow you to move on. If you’re feeling sentimenta­l, revisit a place from your past!

STAR TIP If romance is on your wishlist, this might be your lucky month.

Leo JUL 24 – AUG 23

Ready to embrace a healthier lifestyle? Thanks to the discipline­d new moon, the time to ripe! The next six weeks might also usher you into a more proactive work phase, so if there’s room for improvemen­t, start making plans – or update that CV and move on.

STAR TIP Water-related activities might set the scene for fun – and romance.

Virgo AUG 24 – SEP 23

Social stars are blazing, and Monday’s new moon will only fan the flames. Adding to the busyness, a shared fitness kick could gather momentum, while at home, an upcoming project might get you dreaming. If you’re playing the dating game, the action’s heating up.

STAR TIP Feeling creative? It’s time to dust off an old project or idea.

Libra SEP 24 – OCT 23

If you feel like hanging out at home, don’t fight it. With Venus enhancing your eye for colour and style, a craft or decorating project might be just the tonic you need. Big plans could crystallis­e as you slow down, while at work, Jupiter might bring a golden opportunit­y.

STAR TIP As the focus swings onto your home, keep your fridge stocked.

Scorpio OCT 24 – NOV 22

Group activities should flourish under these high-spirited stars. Shared holidays might be fun, or closer to home, local clubs or events could reel you in. At the very least, organise a daytrip or enjoy a twilight picnic with friends. Your inner foodie is primed for action!

STAR TIP Friday’s loved-up stars could bring a moment you’ll treasure.

Sagittariu­s NOV 23 – DEC 22

Ready to shake things up? For businesssa­vvy Saggies, it’s time to formulate some winning strategies or look into home-based businesses. Friday could bring gossipy get-togethers (and a timely pep talk), while Sunday’s action-loving Aries moon might propel you outdoors.

STAR TIP “Home is where the heart lies” might become your mantra.

 ?? ?? For more on astrology, feng shui and space clearing, visit jennyblume. com.au
For more on astrology, feng shui and space clearing, visit jennyblume. com.au
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