Woman’s Day (Australia)

Ask Mitchell

Australia’s most gifted medium MITCHELL COOMBES is here to help!



Ever since my mum passed away three years ago, my dad visits her at the cemetery every week. Does she know what he is doing? Also, my dad is hearing voices. Who is it? DOK MITCHELL SAYS Your lovely mum is sending her love to everybody and tells me how proud she is of you. I feel the “voices” your dad has been hearing is nothing to worry about. Your mum says he is hearing her call out to simply say hello and check up on him. Your dad visiting the cemetery brings him comfort, but your mum says he only needs to think of her with love and she will be by his side. Please give your dad a big hug from her when you see him next.


My oldest son has cut off all contact with me for almost three years. Before he did that, he said it was not because of me but his own mental health. His wife hasn’t contacted me either. I’m unsure if he is still here... Capricorn MITCHELL SAYS I know that losing contact with your son has caused you a lot of heartache. I’m picking up that he is still here on the Earth plane, but his wife is not as supportive of him as she could be. There is a lady in Spirit from your mother’s side who tells me you have done the right thing in letting your son know you are always there for him. Continue sending loving and supportive messages to him. He is beginning to find himself again. I feel he will eventually come around.

Have a question for Mitchell? Email womansday@aremedia.com.au or write to Ask Mitchell, Woman’s Day, GPO Box 5245, Sydney, NSW 2001. Not all letters can be used. Sorry, no personal replies.

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