Woman’s Day (Australia)


JENNY BLUME predicts your destiny for FEBRUARY 7-13


Aquarius JAN J 21 – FEB 19

Don’t presume anything! Get things out into the open or misunderst­andings could ruin something special and the tension ccould give you a headache. Why not revisit a pastime that’s been squeezed out of yyour life?

STAR ST TIP A massage or pamppamper­ing day might be just the totonic you need. JENNIFER JENN ANISTON Selfcareca­re is a huge priority for the actresactr­ess, with spa treatments and mmassages regularly bookebooke­d into her diary.

Pisces FEB F 20 – MAR 20

“Like attracts like” as they say, so just be yourself. Jupiter is drawing inspiring people into your sphere and opening your mind to a world of new possibilit­ies. Do something adventurou­s or different this weekend and start releasing some of that pent-up tension.

STAR TIP Amethysts and moonstones might resonate deeply this year.

Aries MAR 21 – APR 20

Your proactive approach should prove useful this month – just don’t tread on toes, for not everyone is as nimble-footed as you. Surprising news or unexpected invitation­s could add to the buzz, while for singles, a local event might set the scene for romance.

STAR TIP If you’re looking for romance, say yes to a friend’s offbeat idea.

Taurus APR 21 – MAY 21

Throw yourself in! With Venus and Mars both spurring you on, your creative juices need an outlet, and as a spin-off, you could meet some inspiring new people. Saturday looks lucky for you, so why not enter a few competitio­ns, or if you’re single, ask someone out?

STAR TIP Organise some family snaps under Sunday’s sentimenta­l sky.

Gemini MAY 22 – JUN 21

Up for a challenge? It’s time to inject some extra fun and excitement into things. Under Jupiter’s expansive rays, playing it safe just won’t prove satisfying. At work, take the initiative and start rallying people into action. Fundraiser­s, lunches... it’s all good.

STAR TIP Look out for an inspiring book that could change your life.

Cancer JUN 22 – JUL 23

Just as you need it, a series of parties and social events should help you unwind. As Venus and Mars hook up, singles may find themselves spoilt for choice, while long-term couples might rediscover romance. Why not play matchmaker for a favourite friend?

STAR TIP If your social life is revolving around food, why not try walks?

Leo JUL 24 – AUG 23

Searching for inner calm? Simple pleasures like cooking and gardening should feel therapeuti­c, along with long lunches and shared walks. And woo hoo, as Mercury gains momentum a frustratin­g health or work-related issue might fade almost overnight.

STAR TIP On the social front, be selective and think quality, not quantity.

Virgo AUG 24 – SEP 23

Ready to face the music? As you speak your mind, agreeing on common goals should become much easier. On a lighter note, a loved one’s achievemen­t might puff you up with pride, while for singles, someone you’ve been lusting after could finally make a move.

STAR TIP Sunday’s emotional moon is tailor-made for heart-to-hearts.

Libra SEP 24 – OCT 23

As that sentimenta­l streak deepens, familiar faces should bring great comfort and joy – along with classic games, crafts and foods. If tensions have been growing on the family front, expect a breakthrou­gh this week, or perhaps even a complete turnaround.

STAR TIP Why not pass some precious items on to the next generation?

Scorpio OCT 24 – NOV 22

Friends, both old and new, should prove amazingly supportive this month, so if you’ve been thinking about joining a local group, just do it. If you’ve lost that spring in your step, dance or exercise classes could hit the spot, along with social pursuits like tennis.

STAR TIP Spending time in nature should act like a healing tonic for you.

Sagittariu­s NOV 23 – DEC 22

If concerns about your family or finances have escalated lately, blame the stars. Luckily, the upcoming full moon could shed more light on matters, but for now, focus on letting off some steam. Dancing, bushwalkin­g, declutteri­ng... the more physical, the better.

STAR TIP If a friend wants to drag you out somewhere new, just do it!

Capricorn DEC 23 – JAN 20

Conversati­ons may feel a tad intense, but don’t stress – decisions made in February should propel you into a more positive phase. Some Goats may even decide to relocate. If you need a lift, spend time with supportive friends or immerse yourself in nature.

STAR TIP Wear dark clothes or shades of green for emotional support.

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