Woman’s Day (Australia)



Since jetting into Melbourne six weeks ago with his glamorous third wife Kirsten Kutner, 52, there’s been plenty of speculatio­n around the real reason for the whirlwind touchdown. Heading home was all about catching up with friends for the pair, before they travelled to Brisbane for a long overdue reunion with his parents.

“He missed their 70th wedding anniversar­y and countless birthdays, including his mum Toini’s 90th last year,” a source confirms, who says Greg hasn’t been able to get back for more than two years due to border closures, so he wanted to spend a few days with them before returning.

Also a priority was spending quality time with his beloved dad Merv, who hasn’t been well.

“They chat about everything from golf to business – they’re very close.”

Greg and Kirsten, who’ve been married since 2010, spent the first week in Melbourne with the Shark’s best mate Andrew, son of billionair­e trucking magnate Lindsay Fox.

“They used the Fox family private plane to jet around while they were here. It’s like borrowing the family car for them – it’s another world!”

Greg is now keen to secure his own Aussie “bolthole” after selling properties last year in the US worth more than $120 million. Having recently downsized, Greg has moved the family, including Kiki’s teenage daughters Kaya and Kelly, into a stunning six-bedroom, ninebathro­om Florida property in the plush West Palm precinct, valued at a modest $17 million!

“Greg loves the NSW Hunter Valley region, and Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula.” says the source. “He’s at least five years off moving back to Oz, if in fact he ever does. For now, he’s happy to split his time between the two – and have the best of both worlds!”

 ?? ?? The pair recently made a quick visit to Melbourne.
The pair recently made a quick visit to Melbourne.
 ?? ?? Greg was happy to see his mum Toini.
Greg was happy to see his mum Toini.

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