Woman’s Day (Australia)



Three heavy metal fans have each bought different tickets and merchandis­e. From the clues, can you tell the type of ticket each fan bought, the item of merchandis­e they also purchased and its colour?


1. Trent, who didn’t buy the cheapest ticket (standing room only), bought a black souvenir.

2. Matty splashed out on a $900 ticket which gave him a meet and greet with the band.

3. Charlie wasn’t the fan who bought the red hoodie.

4. There was only one colour of hat available on the merch stall: green.

Each time you rule out a match, put a cross where the vertical and horizontal squares meet in the grid. When you find a match, put a tick in the grid. Also put a cross in the other two squares horizontal­ly and vertically in the same line, as no other combinatio­ns can be true. By doing so, you’ll gradually be able to solve the puzzle.

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