Woman’s Day (Australia)

12 PAGES OF PUZZLE FUN! Super puzzler

Get lost in a world of puzzles – you could even win cash!




7. Braver ten tie up spineless animal (12)

8. Dog set about heavy, indigestib­le food (6) 9. Loudly mock her type of coffee (5)

10. Just a few, in the early afternoon? (3,2,3) 13. Story of ale after tea initially (4)

15. Joint turns Ken to East (4) 16. Set fire to one gate – so take to court (8)

17. Lazy person terribly riled (5)

19. Changes ads with apt middle (6) 21. Provided a home for poor Madam Coco and Ted (12)


1. Nine turn up on list to eavesdrop (6,2)

2. Very keen to see part of a video (4)

3. From Asia relation moves (8)

4. Specific word for part of school year (4)

5. New pic, great cost label (5,3) 6. Volcano turns up in Atlantean middle (4)

11. Finished search, then ignore (8) 12. Not in hospital rooms from the centre (8)

14. Freedom to move to line north or south of the equator (8) 17. Desire Mitchell at heart (4)

18. Slope right to a politician (4) 20. Terrible rat, yes, is creative (4)

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