Woman’s Day (Australia)


Test your wits against our quizmaster and use the ratings at the right to judge how well you’ve fared.


1 In which city are the twin skyscraper­s the Petronas Towers?

2 Which thriller stars Jamie Dornan, Michelle Yeoh and Kenneth Branagh, as Hercule Poirot?

3 Arthritis affects which parts of the body?

4 What is the most populous island in the United States?

5 In which decade was the Iranian, or Islamic, Revolution?

6 Australian Owen Wright is a star of which sport?

7 Billionair­es Mike Cannon- Brookes and Scott Farquhar founded which software company?

8 By which name are Nicotiana species plant more commonly known?

9 Which disease was first identified at a US military veterans convention, in Philadelph­ia, in 1976?

10 What nationalit­y is Nobel Prize winning author Alice Munro?

11 The comic book character Professor Charles Francis Xavier founded which group of superheroe­s?

12 Which type of drink is the Irish poteen?

13 Which band had hits in the 1980s with the albums Sirocco and Sons of Beaches?

14 What does an anthelmint­ic drug treat?

15 The Bosphorus links the Sea of Marmara with which expanse of water?

16 Rock and roll musician Bo Diddley played which instrument?

17 The Battle of Antietam was a significan­t battle of which conflict?

18 Which female Biblical figure was the first to discover Christ had risen from his tomb?

19 Chutney has its origins in which country?

20 What is the largest city in Scotland?

21 Which enduring actor plays the lead on the gangster show Tulsa King?

22 What do the letters stand for in the title of the Roald Dahl book The BFG?

23 Which tech company produces the Playstatio­n video-game consoles?

24 How long is a regular half of a soccer match?

25 Hellas is the ancient name of which country?

26 How many Oscars has Johnny Depp won?

27 Medjool is a prized variety of which fruit?

28 Pooky is the teddy bear of which cartoon cat?

29 What is the name of Ryan Reynolds’ first wife?

30 What does an omnivore eat?

31 What does the term hi-fi stand for?

32 What is the profession of Guillaume Brahimi?

33 Which character of Greek mythology fell in love with his own reflection?

34 What was the sequel to the Jack Nicholson film Chinatown?

35 Dementors are evil creatures in which children’s book series?

36 In terms of computers, what does CPU stand for?

37 Porto-novo is the capital of which African country?

38 Robert Mapplethor­pe was famous in which field of the arts?

39 The ilium is a section of which part of the body?

40 Which Aussie racing legend was the F1 champion in 1959, 1960 and 1966?

41 Who is Australia’s highest internatio­nally capped rugby union player?

42 How many prime ministers did Australia have in 2013?

43 Where is the Australian Army’s Royal Military College?

44 What is the more common name for the bush nut or maroochi nut?

45 Which musical is based on the story The Idyll of Miss Sarah Brown, by Damon Runyon?

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