Woman’s Day (Australia)


JENNY BLUME predicts your destiny for APRIL 8-14


Taurus APR 21 – MAY 21

Scratch the surface and you’ll find a few answers! Someone’s true motives might soon be exposed, while on the health front, an underlying trigger could come to light. Need to unwind? Schedule in some outdoor fun and games – a new picnic set might come in handy.

STAR TIP For an instant boost, wear an emerald or surround yourself with green.

Gemini MAY 22 – JUN 21

New people are about to liven things up, so if you’ve been thinking of joining a local club or like-minded group, make a few enquiries – the support and honesty might surprise you. Bonds may also be growing at work, but don’t get caught up in office politics.

STAR TIP Wishes made under Tuesday’s solar eclipse could come true, so think big.

Cancer JUN 22 – JUL 23

Your options are expanding, Cancer, and with the cosmos aligned in your favour, a little effort should go a long way. An unexpected offer might prove tempting

– just check the fine print, for Mercury is now reversing. Wear a pearl for luck and good fortune.

STAR TIP Get that bubbly on ice – this week’s fortuitous stars could set off celebratio­ns.

Leo JUL 24 – AUG 23

It’s goodbye dull and boring! With an action-loving Aries eclipse overhead, some exciting opportunit­ies – and people! – are being drawn towards you. New studies or financial strategies could reap rewards down the track, so start researchin­g your options.

STAR TIP Sunday’s nostalgia-soaked sky could send you on a trip down memory lane.

Virgo AUG 24 – SEP 23

Can you feel the excitement building? Discussion­s through April should prove fruitful, so make time to talk. With Tuesday’s eclipse illuminati­ng your sector of change and transforma­tions, a healthier, happier and more abundant period is coming within reach.

STAR TIP If your social life revolves around food, why not suggest adding some walks?

Libra SEP 24 – OCT 23

Let the love in! Fuelled by this week’s eclipse, many couples are entering a more united, passionate phase. A shared vision could draw lovebirds closer together, while for singles, April’s social stars could boost your confidence and expand your dating pool.

STAR TIP Lucky you! A thoughtful gift or offer might make this a week to remember.

Scorpio OCT 24 – NOV 22

If you need a lift, you’re in luck. This week’s invigorati­ng New Moon should put that old spring back in your step. Over the coming weeks, the cosmos will give you a fresh fitness buzz while on the health front you or a loved one could turn an important corner.

STAR TIP If a holiday has caught your eye, be sure to look for hidden costs or catches.

Sagittariu­s NOV 23 – DEC 22

As the planets heat up your leisure zone, games of skill should set the scene for good times. The sporting field might also play host to pleasant surprises this month, either for you or a child, while for creative types, a new hobby or pastime might reel you in.

STAR TIP Looking for love? Get set to be wined, dined and possibly wooed as well.

Capricorn DEC 23 – JAN 20

It’s all about enjoying life’s simple pleasures. As your nurturing instincts grow, the kitchen or garden may beckon, or you might simply enjoy pottering. This celestial weather is perfect for rearrangin­g rooms, but if large purchases hit the agenda, slow down.

STAR TIP Sunday’s fertile energy is ideal for planting fast-growing herbs and vegies.

Aquarius JAN 21 – FEB 19

Sick of gossip and chit-chat? What you need most are deep and meaningful connection­s. Under April’s sentimenta­l stars, long-lost friends could emerge from the woodwork, and as Venus spreads her magic, singles may find themselves stirred in other ways.

STAR TIP Old-style games and recipes should strike a chord as the weather cools.

Pisces FEB 20 – MAR 20

Hold your horses! As Mercury reverses, even the best-laid plans could come unstuck this week (the trick is to keep arrangemen­ts simple). If your expenses have escalated, these fiscally focused stars could usher you into a more sustainabl­e but satisfying era.

STAR TIP Sunday’s sentimenta­l stars could draw an old friend back into your life.

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