Business Spotlight

Test yourself!

See how well you know the words and phrases presented in this booklet by doing the exercises below. Cover the answers at the bottom of page 23.


1. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences below.

A. You’ll find all the exhibitors listed in the trade-fair directory / director.

B. Fortunatel­y for me, an honest visitor found my mobile phone and turned it in to the lost items / property office. C. We booked a corner booth / cubicle even though it’s more expensive. We expect to attract more visitors.

D. Today has been a bit slow. We’ve not had much footprint / footfall at all.

E. This product demo is ideal for attracting probable / prospectiv­e customers to our stand.

2. Complete the instructio­ns with the correct word.

A. It backed up every day.

1. must

2. has to

3. should be

B. try the green for the display units.

1. Let’s

2. Lets

3. Let

C. Please touch the display.

1. mustn’t

2. don’t

3. not

D. take the Piccadilly Line to the venue.

1. You

2. You please

3. You need

3. Replace each German word (in italics) in the sentences below with the correct English word.

A. I’ll wear a(n) (Kostüm) to the trade fair, but a dress to the evening event.

B. Do you have any more (Exemplare) in English?

C. The best location is in the (Gang).

D. I could send you a PDF of our (Prospekt) so you don’t have to carry it around all day.

4. Complete the sentences below with the correct nouns to explain your reasons for going to the trade fair. The first letter is given.

A. We need to gather serious l .

B. The trade fair in Birmingham is also open to the general p , which makes it more interestin­g for us.

C. The visitors usually have buying a at this fair.

D. It’s easier to reach our client b from London.

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