Business Spotlight

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attend, attend to

If you attend a job interview, a careers fair( seep .6), a meeting, a conference or a university, then you join it, go to it or take part ⋅ in it (an etw. teilnehmen, etw. besuchen): “We’ve been invited to attend the company’s anniversar­y party on 15 January.” — Wir sind eingeladen worden, an der Jubiläumsf­eier der Firma am 15. Januar ⋅ teilzunehm­en.

“I’m going to attend the sports trade fair next week.” — Ich werde in der nächsten Woche die Sportmesse besuchen.

Note that attend is more formal than “go to” or “take part in”. Likewise, attendee (Teilnehmer(in)) is a more formal word for a participan­t or a delegate.

If you attend to sth. (sich um etw. kümmern, etw. erledigen), then you deal with it. On the other hand, if you attend to sb., then you serve or help them (jmdn. bedienen, betreuen): ⋅

“We’ll attend to the invitation­s to the party.” — Wir werden uns um die Einladunge­n ⋅ für die Party kümmern.

“The staff at the reception desk will attend to all the conference attendees.” — Das Personal an der Rezeption wird alle K on fe renzteilne­hm er( inn en) betreuen.

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