Business Spotlight

Business English Today

Wie hat sich das Business-englisch im Laufe der Jahre für Lernende und Lehrende verändert? Was ist guter Business-englischUn­terricht? Über diese und andere Fragen sprach IAN MCMASTER mit Evan Frendo, einem Experten auf diesem Gebiet.


Tips and trends for business English learners and trainers

What have been the biggest changes you have observed over your career among users of business English? When I started in business English in the early 1990s, most of my students were managers and people in senior positions. They were the ones who needed English in order to speak to customers, work with partners and so on. Now, English is used by many more people in companies. It has become common to see people working in internatio­nal teams, often virtually, with English as the lingua franca. Many internal meetings are held in English, even in German companies. The result is that, for many people, a typical day is full of switches from German to English and back to German, depending on what is happening and who is in the room or on the telephone. This sort of business English was not as common when I started. But it is not only that people are using English in different situations and in different ways, but also a question of how people think about English. There is greater recognitio­n of the fact that business English is not “native speaker” English, but rather the English that people need to do their jobs effectivel­y. This means that, in many companies, the focus has changed to a more internatio­nal type of English rather than the traditiona­l British or American English, and there is an increased focus on intercultu­ral communicat­ion and soft skills. For example, in some companies where I work, the focus is on understand­ing “Chinese English”, because this is the type of English the employees will meet when they speak with their clients and business partners. Experience­d business people understand that it is no good having perfect “native-speaker” English if you cannot communicat­e with your clients.

And what have been the biggest changes you have observed for teachers and trainers?

I think the biggest change I have noticed is that there are more teachers and trainers on the market, and therefore there is more competitio­n. Surprising­ly, Germany is a country that does not demand high standards from the people who teach business English, and almost anyone can do it. There are no minimum entry qualificat­ions. This means that many trainers are not properly trained to do what they are doing, but have simply done a short introducto­ry course on how to be a teacher and then relied on the fact that, as native speakers, their command of the language will get them through. Most trainers working in companies in Germany would not be qualified to teach in schools or universiti­es, for example. In many business English situations, this is adequate, and there are many examples of satisfied customers using trainers like this. But in other cases, such trainers are not good enough. Unfortunat­ely, clients remain unaware that they are being hoodwinked. This has led to another change: some companies have learned from experience and now demand better-trained trainers. And more and more trainers are now doing certificat­es in business English training.

“There is greater recognitio­n that business English is not ‘native-speaker’ English”

What type of business English training do people at work really need?

The answer always depends on the specific context. In some situations, a general business English approach will be enough, with the trainer and the learners adapting published materials as necessary to suit their own needs. This type of approach is very common in language schools, for example. Within companies, however, the approach can be very different, with the trainers and learners spending significan­t time analysing needs, understand­ing where the priorities are and then tailor-making the training accordingl­y. This sometimes means collaborat­ing with a range of stakeholde­rs to understand what the company’s perspectiv­e is, as well as observing language in use — meetings, presentati­ons, negotiatio­ns, discussion­s and so on — to find out where the real communicat­ion problems lie. An important factor here may be business knowledge and content, not just the language, and trainers will often work closely with a client to understand this perspectiv­e. Such a collaborat­ive approach requires special skills; so trainers who do this sort of work tend to be well qualified and experience­d. Sometimes, they are employees of the company, and sometimes they are hired for specific projects. The key is that they have time to get to know the company and to know what English their employees need in order to do their jobs effectivel­y.

Many companies don’t know how to provide effective business English training for their employees. What advice do you have for them?

Organizing effective training requires expertise, so the best advice is to speak to the experts. The problem here is that, if the company goes to the nearest training provider, they will often buy what the language school wants to sell. There are ways to get around this problem. One is to benchmark what is on offer — the company can easily compare different training providers and get an idea of what is on the market. Another is to hire someone to do the task, such as an independen­t consultant who can advise them on how to choose a training provider. Both these methods take additional time and therefore create additional costs, but the savings in the long run will be significan­t.

There are also some very simple checks the company can make. First, they can ask if the training provider offers a standard package, or if they are prepared to spend some time getting to know the company and its needs. This will be more expensive, but should provide better-quality training. Second, they should insist on qualified trainers — someone who has a university degree in language teaching (not a degree in history or politics), as well as some knowledge of the business world. A four-week certificat­e in language teaching is really not enough. Third, they should ask questions about how the training impact on the company will be evaluated. If the training provider cannot answer this question, they shouldn’t be in the business of teaching business English.

Finally, companies looking for training providers should remember that the cost of the training provider is only a small part of the total cost of training. For example, the opportunit­y costs tend to be much more significan­t, and need to be taken into account.

How is technology changing the way that people use English for work purposes? Recently, I was in Xi’an, China, doing some work for a client, and I had to take a taxi. The taxi driver didn’t speak any English, and my Chinese is very poor. But I had a card with my hotel address on it, so I wasn’t worried. But this time, the driver chatted to me the whole of the 40-minute trip using an app on his smartphone. The app allowed us to communicat­e. We talked about my job, his family, Xi’an and many other things.

Such apps are becoming commonplac­e in the workplace. I often see people using them during meetings, for example. But simultaneo­us translatio­n apps are only one example of new technology. Everyone knows how easy it is to translate an email or other written document. The quality is now very good and getting better all the time. And some industries are working hard to eliminate the need for human communicat­ion at all in certain areas — computers simply communicat­e with other computers to pass on informatio­n. Contact between people is still important, but things are changing. The days of relying solely on intuition and personal relationsh­ips are disappeari­ng fast. And, of course, there is a lot more remote communicat­ion, using technology that simply did not exist a few years ago. I think the biggest impact of technology, however, is that fewer people

“The biggest impact of technology is that fewer people will need to learn a language”

will need to learn a language. Of course, it will always be beneficial to learn foreign languages, but when we measure how long language training takes, compared to the potential advantages, many of us will decide that the method I used with my taxi driver will be enough. It’s all about return on investment.

And how is technology changing the way that people learn and teach business English?

Firstly, the software we use nowadays to analyse language use allows us to understand much better the language that we need to focus on. For example, we now have access to large collection­s of language data and can compare the mistakes that native speakers of German make in English with those made by speakers of other languages, and create language-learning activities that are aimed precisely at German speakers of English. This means that a whole range of learning resources, from textbooks to dictionari­es to magazines, are able to target real needs much more effectivel­y than in the past. Secondly, the technology available in the classroom and for selfstudy allows a lot of new things to be done. It is now normal for teachers and learners to use their own devices in class to make recordings, to access resources such as dictionari­es and videos, to practise vocabulary and so on. Most coursebook­s now include online activities and exercises. Languagele­arning apps are everywhere and are offering new language-learning opportunit­ies. It is relatively easy to spend ten minutes every day revising key vocabulary on an app on the daily commute to work, for example. But perhaps more importantl­y, these apps are allowing the experts to collect vast amounts of data about how people learn languages. This is already feeding back into our understand­ing of how people learn languages. Such research will have a profound influence on how profession­al trainers do things.

What do you see as being the biggest challenges facing publishers of business English materials?

I see two big challenges. The first is copyright. It is so easy to copy materials that, as soon as a new book is published, it can be found somewhere free to download on the internet. As someone who has written several books, I have plenty of personal experience of this and I have learned that it is not easy to earn money as a writer working for publishers. The second challenge is that learners and teachers expect materials to be of high quality and to offer much more than in the past — such as online components. This means that high-quality products are very expensive to produce. Look at the global coursebook­s currently on the market; most are second or third editions — that is, recycled and updated. Very few are new, and even fewer are innovative or take the latest research into account.

Looking ahead to the next five years, what are the biggest changes that you expect the business English industry to undergo?

Different parts of the industry will go in different ways. The big language schools will get bigger and bigger, and dominate the market even more, to the detriment of small schools and individual trainers working as freelancer­s. This trend is already taking place, as many of Germany’s largest multinatio­nal companies are seeking to increase the quality of their training providers, and at the same time, bring down the costs. Universiti­es, colleges and schools will do a much better job of preparing people for the workplace, and less training will be necessary in the

workplace itself. Already, many school leavers have certificat­es in business English, something that was quite rare just a few years ago. Technology will continue to change the way we think about communicat­ion and, as I said, fewer people will need to spend time learning a foreign language. The way we relate to devices will change as we learn how to use them better. And those people who do invest in learning a language will demand much more emphasis on soft skills and intercultu­ral skills, rather than a more traditiona­l focus on grammar and vocabulary.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting a career as a business English trainer? First, be prepared to learn from your clients and from experience­d trainers. They often know much more about business communicat­ion than you do, particular­ly at the beginning of your career. Second, be prepared to spend time analysing your clients’ needs. Each client is unique and requires a tailormade approach. One size does not fit all. Third, do more than an introducto­ry course in teaching — if you want to be a profession­al, you need to spend real time and effort learning the skills and techniques you require, and you need to keep up to date. Your clients deserve no less. Joining teacher associatio­ns, attending conference­s and simply networking with others in the profession will all be invaluable. And finally, be aware that technology is really influencin­g this profession. If you are interested in how language works, have a look at natural language processing and computatio­nal lingustics. These fields are at the cutting edge of what we do, and there are innumerabl­e opportunit­ies at the moment.

And finally, what advice would you give to someone who needs to use English at work but whose employer doesn’t provide the training?

Many people have researched how best to learn a language and the results are really not that surprising. First, we know that almost anyone can learn a language — all it takes is a lot of time and motivation. There are plenty of self-study materials, plenty of opportunit­ies to listen to and practise English, and plenty of places to go for advice. Second, we know that it is possible to learn without a teacher; a teacher is useful, but not essential. Spend some time analysing what you need to do in English at work, and focus on those areas. Find someone in the company who already uses English for work, and ask for their advice, or just watch what they do and how they do it. Perhaps find a partner who is willing to share the learning experience. Learning alone is not easy and it is not quick, but it can be done.

“Spend some time analysing what you need to do in English at work and focus on those areas”

 ??  ?? Know your audience and adapt your style
Know your audience and adapt your style
 ??  ?? Devices are now normal in teaching
Devices are now normal in teaching

Newspapers in English

Newspapers from Austria