Business Spotlight

Breaking bad news

Schlechte Neuigkeite­n sind nicht leicht zu überbringe­n. Lesen Sie hier, wie Sie dabei am besten vorgehen, ohne das Verhältnis zu Ihrem Gesprächsp­artner zu beeinträch­tigen.


When breaking bad news at work, for example about a project or a budget, it’s important to handle the situation well. We need to think about who is receiving the bad news and what the impact will be on them. The way we break the bad news can be just as important as the news itself. If we get this wrong, we can damage relationsh­ips.


As you read the three dialogues, think about the answer to this question: What approaches does Vicky take to breaking bad news to her colleagues? Make some notes on each case.

Dialogues Example A

Vicky: Hi, Jeremy. Do you remember how we spent a long time discussing who would do what to prepare for the client pitch? Jeremy: I certainly do.

Vicky: And that we asked Sue to prepare the slide deck because Marina was going to be on holiday?

Jeremy: Yes, and…?

Vicky: Well, Sue’s going to be off work for the next two weeks. She’s just had a fall and broken her leg.

Jeremy: Oh, no!

Vicky: But it’s OK. Well, not for Sue, but for the pitch preparatio­n. You see, the good news is that Marina’s holiday plans have also just changed. Marina’s going to be here next week and will then be able to work on the pitch after all.

Jeremy: Oh, good. Well, that’s OK then. Can you organize a card and some flowers for Sue?

Example B

Claudia: Hi, Vicky. What’s the latest on the team workshop you’re planning?

Vicky: Ah, well, I haven’t started planning yet. Claudia: Huh? But it’s only three weeks away.

Vicky: Yes, I know, but the team haven’t given me their input yet. And I’m still waiting on the venue to get back to me. And I’ve been really busy with other things.

Claudia: Oh. Well, that’s not very good. You know this is an important event and that it needs to go well?

Vicky: Yes, I do. Don’t worry. I’ll start on it this week. I have some time, so I’ll contact all those people who haven’t got back to me yet.

Claudia: Hmm. OK. Well, keep me posted. Can you give me an update at the end of the week?

Vicky: Sure. No problem.

Example C

Vicky: Rainer, have you got a moment? I need to tell you about an issue with the project. Rainer: An issue? That doesn’t sound good. What is it?

Vicky: You’re right. It’s not good. Our supplier is having problems meeting the agreed delivery dates. We’re working with them to see what can be done. We need to know whether it’s possible for us to meet our own delivery dates or if we’ll have to delay them.

Rainer: Oh, I see.

Vicky: What are your thoughts? I’m sure you must have some questions or comments.

 ??  ?? MIKE HOGAN is co-author of Business English
for Beginners A1 + A2 and Basis for
Business B1 + B2 (Cornelsen). Contact:
MIKE HOGAN is co-author of Business English for Beginners A1 + A2 and Basis for Business B1 + B2 (Cornelsen). Contact:

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