Business Spotlight

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Für jeden kommt irgendwann der Zeitpunkt, an dem er über seine Schulbildu­ng und seinen berufliche­n Werdegang Angaben machen muss. Auf diesen beiden Seiten finden Sie wichtige englische Begriffe dazu.


Education and training

At some point in your career, you might need to describe your past, present or future education or training. You may need to apply for a new job, update your CV or work on your personal developmen­t goals. Or you may be returning to work after a long period of leave or even considerin­g taking your career in a completely new direction.

Finding the right words to describe the wide range of training possibilit­ies, and being able to explain them clearly, is a skill in itself. Here are explanatio­ns of some of the most common education and training options.

Many university students and graduates do a short-term, paid or voluntary internship in a company. The aim is to gain practical skills, workplace experience and knowledge of a particular industry. An internship may also give their CV a boost.

Some people complete a full-time, paid apprentice­ship. Normally, one day a week is spent taking classes at a vocational college and the other days getting experience at a workplace. Apprentice­s do this until they gain enough expertise and qualificat­ions to work independen­tly in a particular field. Carpenters and hairdresse­rs are examples of profession­als who take on apprentice­s.

Those who work in a shop, office or bank may receive on-the-job training from an experience­d mentor. Safety-training workshops and team-building exercises may be part of their profession­al developmen­t plan. These kinds of workshops and exercises may be a requiremen­t after a department is restructur­ed, or when a company is taken over.

Skills training teaches new and experience­d profession­als how to perform particular tasks necessary to do their job better. These skills may include working with a company-specific computer programme, assessing customers’ needs or learning how to use a new cash register or electronic ordering system.

Soft-skills training courses focus on the more human side of things. These courses can cover areas such as communicat­ion, interperso­nal and managerial skills. They may also address policy issues related to sexual harassment and ethics.

Many people work for global companies with business partners in other countries. Intercultu­ral training and language learning may help when a person attends an internatio­nal conference, travels to other countries or needs to negotiate a deal.

An accountant unaware of changes in tax laws or a doctor unable to use a hospital’s new, expensive equipment will soon find themselves in trouble. Even profession­als with many years’ experience need to continuall­y update their knowledge and qualificat­ions in their profession.

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