Business Spotlight

One Question

I am known around the world, but my background is debated. I run a delivery company based outside the EU. I do seasonal work.


Who am I?

No flightsham­ing me — I fly carbon neutral

I prefer working at night.

When I’m at work, my clients can track my progress on Google. No flight-shaming me — I fly carbon neutral (though, admittedly, with some methane emissions).

My clients are willing to wait in long queues for a chance to speak to me. Every year, I receive millions of letters from clients asking for freebies.

Not without controvers­y, I have been accused of symbolizin­g the worst of capitalism and consumeris­m.

Some see me as another symbol of white male power.

Others claim that I represent hope and altruism.

I became a brand ambassador for the Coca-cola company, which gave me a style makeover many years ago.

I wear a red power suit to work. Size XXL.

A trendy beard rounds out my style. People describe me as good-natured. I hold the record as being the only person to have circumnavi­gated the world in 24 hours.

I keep a spreadshee­t of my clients’ names. It has two columns: “naughty” and “nice”.

I break into houses, but nobody seems bothered by that at all. In fact, most people leave something sweet for me to eat.

I live in the North Pole with an army of little people who work tirelessly for me all year long.

Language experts call my helpers “subordinat­e clauses”. based: be ~ (in a place) [beist] , (an einem Ort) seinen Sitz haben bothered: be ~ by sth. [(BQDED] , sich an etw. stören brand ambassador [(bränd Äm)bäsede] , Marken botschafte­r (in) carbon neutral [)ka:ben (nju:trel] , Co2-neutral circumnavi­gate sth. [)s§:kem(nävigeit] , etw. umrunden column [(kqlem] Spalte , flight-shame sb. [(flait Seim] jmdm. dessen Flugverhal­ten , vorwerfen freebie [(fri:bi] ifml. Gratisgesc­henk , good-natured [)gud (neitsed] freundlich, gutmütig , naughty [(no:ti] , ungezogen, unartig power suit [(paue su:t] , hier etwa: Anzug, der die Position des Trägers hervorhebt queue [kju:] UK , Schlange seasonal work [()si:z&nel )w§:k] , Saisonarbe­it spreadshee­t [(spredsi:t] Tabelle , style makeover: give sb. a ~ [)stai&l (meik)euve] jmdm. einen neuen Look , verpassen subordinat­e clause [se)bo:dinet (klo:z] Nebensatz , (subordinat­e untergeord­net) , tirelessly [(taielesli] unermüdlic­h , track sth. [träk] etw. verfolgen ,

 ??  ?? Good-natured but controvers­ial: who is our mystery person?
Good-natured but controvers­ial: who is our mystery person?

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