Business Spotlight



Tricky translatio­ns

How do you say “pick” in German?

If you “pick” a thing or a person, you select them because they are the best or most suitable in a given context. Used in this sense, “pick” is another word for “choose”. It is translated ⋅ as auswählen or aussuchen:

“Our employees can pick the benefits that suit them.” — Unsere Mitarbeite­r können die Leistungen aussuchen, die zu ihnen passen.

If you “pick” flowers or fruit, you remove them from the ground or from a tree (sammeln ⋅ or pflücken):

“Please do not pick the flowers.” — Bitte die Blumen nicht pflücken.

“Cherry-picking” is choosing the best or most successful things or people from a group while ignoring the rest (Rosinenpic­kerei). In constructi­on, however, a “cherry-picker” is a Hubsteiger or Hebebühne,a small crane with a platform attached that enables workers to be lifted to reach high places.

If you “pick someone’s brains”, you want to get informatio­n from them (jmdn. ausfragen, sich bei jmdm. (durch Ausfragen) Ideen holen).

How do you say lösen in English?

When we use lösen in the context of a difficult situation, we mean to “find an answer or solution”. It is usually translated ⋅ as solve or resolve:

Ich versuche seit Monaten, dieses Problem zu lösen.— “I’ve been trying to solve this problem for months.”

In an engineerin­g or mechanical context, lösen means to “move one part of a machine away from another part that was connected to it”. Here, we translate the verb as disengage ⋅ or release:

Der Busfahrer konnte die Bremse nicht lösen. — “The bus driver was unable to release the brake.”

In other contexts — for example with screws, string, rope or cable — we can translate lösen as undo or loosen. In the case of string, rope or cable, we can also ⋅ say untie:

Der Mechaniker musste alle Schrauben lösen. — “The mechanic had to loosen all the screws.”

A notice on public transport that says Bitte einen Fahrschein lösen would be translated as Please buy a ticket.

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