Business Spotlight

Planning an invitation

On the next six pages, we present extracts with key phrases and expression­s you can use to talk about entertaini­ng clients.


1. A disaster

Jean: Last night’s dinner with Marcia was a disaster. The food was dreadful.

Ron: She was very understand­ing. Jean: That’s true, but we looked unprofessi­onal. Could you look into some other venues for entertaini­ng clients in the future? dreadful , grauenvoll look into sth. , sich etw. näher ansehen

2. A new plan?

Jean: Marcia will be visiting us again next Thursday. What’s the plan?

Ron: Starlight. It’s one of the best rooftop restaurant­s in the city. They have a live jazz band in their bar — and she’s a jazz fan. The restaurant is quiet, but the bar is always buzzing.

Jean: She’s also a bit of a wine connoisseu­r. Could they arrange an informal winetastin­g event? Could you look into the costs? buzzing: sth. is ~ , in etw. ist viel los connoisseu­r , Kenner(in)

3. Only the best

Ron: So, no wine tasting?

Jean: It’s too expensive. As per company guidelines, we can’t spend that much on one client. Rone: OK, I’ll call ahead and make a dinner reservatio­n for 8.30 p.m. Jean: That’s late. Could we possibly have dinner earlier? Say at 7 p.m.? Would that work?

Ron: We finish at 5 p.m. That would still give Marcia time to freshen up at her hotel first.

Jean: Tell the owner we’ll be hosting an important business dinner. And you’ll need to check that Marcia is happy with our suggestion. ahead , hier: vorher work , hier: machbar sein

4. The invitation

look forward to doing sth. sich darauf freuen, etw. zu tun , organic biologisch, Bio,

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