Business Spotlight

Test yourself!

See how well you know the words and phrases presented in this booklet by doing the exercises below. Cover the answers at the bottom of page 23.


1. Choose the correct options to complete the comments you could make to a business partner.

A. We’ve booked a tasting/ sampling tonight. We hope you’ll enjoy it.

B. Please help/serve yourself to the sandwiches. Everything is vegetarian.

C. Please give my regards/ respects to the rest of the team. It’s been great working with you all.

D. I’d like to do/make a toast. Thank you everyone for coming.

E. We’ll be in/out of touch by Friday at the latest.

2. Complete each sentence below with the correct verb. We’ve given you the first letter.

A. I’ve never had to t a dinner for clients before.

B. Who did you invite to s at the dinner? Is it someone famous?

C. My colleague highly r the French restaurant. It’s the best in town.

D. You can only r the costs of the dinner if a client was with you — not if you went out with your own family!

3. What would you say in the following situations?

A. You want to find out if someone has any allergies. Use requiremen­ts.

B. You’d like to ask if your suggestion is possible. Use work.

C. You want to suggest that your guest tries the cake. Start with do.

D. You’d like to invite your guests to start eating. Start with enjoy.

E. Your guest thanks you, and you respond politely.

Use pleasure.

4. Replace each German word (in italics) in the sentences below with the correct English word.

A. Do you know somewhere I could buy a good


B. Should we offer them a glass of

(Sekt) when they arrive?

C. Shall we

(einladen) his whole family to the event?

D. We had to (ihn ausladen).

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