Business Spotlight

Magazine publishing

Vor genau 20 Jahren erschien die erste Ausgabe von Business Spotlight. Werfen Sie aus diesem Anlass mit uns einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Redaktion.


A magazine is born

The editor-in-chief, together with the editorial team, decides on the topics of the magazine and drafts a flatplan. The managing editor checks procedures, layouts, text formats and keeps things moving. This is the workflow at Business Spotlight:

1. The author’s raw manuscript is put into the system. The relevant editor works on the manuscript.

2. The edited text is assigned to the translator, who translates words and sets the appropriat­e language level.

3. The translatio­ns are checked, phonetics are inserted where needed and the text is checked again by proofreade­rs.

4. The text is assigned to the picture editors, who look for the appropriat­e photos, pictures or illustrati­ons.

5. The text and pictures are passed on to the graphic designer for layout.

6. The layout is checked and the text is proofread again.

7. When everything is OK, the finished pages go to the printer.

What’s Magazin in English?

The German word Magazin has various English translatio­ns, depending on the context:

If it refers to a printed product, it is translated as magazine or journal.

An extra magazine added to a newspaper is a supplement.

The place where weapons and munitions are stored is called a magazine, as is the part of a gun that holds the bullets before they are fired (in US English, this is also a(n) (ammo) clip).

Goods are stored in a warehouse (Lagerhaus) or depot (Lagerraum).

The storeroom for books in a library or exhibits in a museum is the stacks or a stackroom.

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Newspapers in English

Newspapers from Austria