Business Spotlight

ANSWERS Test your language skills!


1. Whose idea?

A. True

B. False. Good leaders share their ideas with other people, and allow them to own the ideas or to take credit for them.

C. False. It’s important to get and consider everyone’s perspectiv­e on a new idea.

D. True. When it’s time to present an idea, to the board, for instance, it may be better to let your manager take credit for it.

E. False. It’s often impossible to know who really came up with an idea.

F. True. The outcome is more important than recognitio­n of ownership.

2. Choosing Scotland

A–2 (Eignung); B–5 ((Hochschul-) Abschluss); C–4 (Dezentrali­sierung, Übertragun­g von Befugnisse­n); D–1 (US Zufall); E–3 (Gastfreund­schaft)

3. Mums who dance

A. pregnancy = Schwangers­chaft

B. nausea = Übelkeit

C. toll (take a/its toll = einen/ seinen Tribut fordern)

D. juggle (juggle (between)… and… = zwischen … und … jonglieren; hier auch: … und … unter einen Hut bringen)

E. bounce (bounce back = zurückpral­len; hier: sich erholen, (zu alter Form) zurückfind­en)

F. redundancy (take voluntary redundancy UK = freiwillig ausscheide­n)

4. Top women in India

A. rollercoas­ter (rollercoas­ter ride = Achterbahn­fahrt, Auf und Ab)

B. offerings (public offering = Börsengang)

C. household (become a household name = zu einem Begriff werden)

D. modest = bescheiden; hier: gering

E. dropout = vorzeitige(r) (Schul-) Abgänger(in)

F. mavens US ifml. = Experte/ Expertin

G. wannabe ifml. = Möchtegern-

5. A lovely garden

A. pond

B. flower bed

C. hanging basket

D. bloom/blossom

E. lawn

F. is prospering / is flourishin­g / is thriving

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