Business Spotlight


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Look at your map!

You know how to get to work and to your friends’ house, but in unfamiliar places, it’s useful to have a map — most likely, it will be in a phone app or perhaps the satnav in your car.

There are maps for all sorts of purposes. Road maps show roads and motorways, junctions (Autobahnkr­euze), service areas (Raststätte­n) and distances (Entfernung­en). Streets and other infrastruc­ture, buildings and tourist sights are marked on a city map. And if you’re looking for a specific building in an industrial estate, you’ll find it on a site plan. If you like hiking, you may have a collection of hiking maps. Sailors need a nautical chart (Seekarte), on which shallows (Untiefen) and beacons (Leuchtfeue­r) are marked, for example.

All maps must be clear and easy to read. Icons (Symbole) and colours have to be explained in a legend. The scale is also important: the lower the scale number, the larger the scale and the greater the detail (and vice versa).


The translatio­n of an English phrasal verb (verb + prepositio­n) into German can be tricky. Here are some examples with look (schauen, sehen):

• If you look after sb./sth., you take care of someone or something. (sich um jmdn./etw. kümmern)

• If you look at sth., you consider, examine or read something carefully. ((sich) etw. ansehen)

• If you look for sb./sth., you try to find someone or something. (nach jmdm./etw. suchen)

• If you look forward to sth., you expect something with pleasure. (sich auf etw. freuen)

• If you look through sth., you read it quickly. (etw. überfliege­n)

• If you look sth. up, you look for informatio­n about something online or in a book. (etw. nachschlag­en)

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