Der Standard

‘Julius Caesar’ Is Relevant Today


Shakespear­e’s “Julius Caesar” has always been about more than killing Caesar.

On the eve of World War II, Orson Welles staged a landmark anti-Fascist production with a Mussolini-like Caesar. The Royal Shakespear­e Company recently set the play in Africa, evoking the continent’s dictators and civil wars. Five years ago, the Guthrie Theater in Minneapoli­s, Minnesota, staged a production featuring the assassinat­ion of an Obama- esque Caesar by right-wing conspirato­rs.

But it’s the Public Theater in New York that finds itself in the middle of a pitched controvers­y, for its new staging of the play in Central Park. Oskar Eustis, the director, chose to make his Caesar decidedly Trumpian, giving him a shock of blond hair, an overlong red tie and a wife with a recognizab­ly Slovenian accent. As all Caesars are, he’s killed in the middle of the play by Brutus and his co- conspirato­rs.

That killing has driven Delta Air Lines and Bank of America to pull all or part of their sponsorshi­p of the Public Theater’s free Shakespear­e in the Park program, and thrust the theater into a maelstrom of criticism from President Donald J. Trump’s supporters.

“Julius Caesar,” with assassinat­ion at its core, is politicall­y fraught. It was written when Elizabetha­n England seethed with political plots.

Over the years, totalitari­an regimes have banned it. And audiences and scholars have long debated the play’s meaning, and the extent to which Shakespear­e was sympathizi­ng with the conspirato­rs or condemning them. In the play, the in- creasingly powerful Caesar is killed in the name of saving the republic.

“I think the general drift of it is: Be careful, you might get what you want,” said Stephen Greenblatt, a Shakespear­e scholar, noting the chaos the assassinat­ion unleashes. “The very thing that you think you’re doing to protect the republic can lead to the end of the republic.”

Leaders have been fascinated by the work. George Washington saw a production of the drama in 1790. Nelson Mandela annotated a copy when he was imprisoned for fighting apartheid in South Africa.

And the play became a staple of American public school reading lists, in part because it allowed teachers to discuss republican­ism, said Brett Gamboa, a professor of English at Dartmouth College.

But like any work, the play, and the history it is based on, can be interprete­d in different ways. John Wilkes Booth acted in a production of “Julius Caesar” in New York before he killed Abraham Lincoln, and complained after the assassinat­ion that he was being hunted “for doing what Brutus was honored for.” And Claus von Stauffenbe­rg, a leader of a failed attempt on Hitler’s life, reportedly kept a copy of “Julius Caesar” on his desk.

Stanley Wells, a prominent British Shakespear­e scholar, said that Shakespear­e seemed to anticipate the play’s long afterlife when he has Cassius, one of the conspirato­rs, exclaim to Brutus: “How many ages hence/Shall this our lofty scene be acted over/In states unborn and accents yet unknown!”

“Within the play itself,” Professor Wells said, “Shakespear­e is looking forward to times when people will also see this historic event as relevant to their own times.”

Mr. Eustis includes the Cassius quote in his program note, in which he adds his own thoughts: “Julius Caesar can be read as a warning parable to those who try to fight for democracy by undemocrat­ic means. To fight the tyrant does not mean imitating him.”

The production that Orson Welles staged in 1937, with the Mercury Theater, was a revelation. The critic Brooks Atkinson wrote in The New York Times that “the grim march of military feet through the ominous shadows of the stage is the doom song heard round the world today.”

Professor Gamboa said that the production influenced other Caesars, portrayed as recognizab­le political figures.

“When everyone’s in white togas, there’s just not a lot of context there,” said Rob Melrose, who staged the 2012 Obama-inspired production.

Mr. Melrose said that the act of violence at the play’s center should always be appalling. “When Caesar is killed, it’s horrifying, it’s awful — whether it’s Obama or Trump,” he said. “Trump, Republican­s and Democrats should all take heart that what this play says is that killing a political leader, no matter how righteous your views are, is a bad idea — a terrible idea.”

An assassinat­ion that echoes across the centuries.

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