Der Standard

Teaching Italians to Spot Fake News


ROME — After reading the horrors in Dante’s “Inferno,” Italian students will soon turn to the dangers of the digital age. While juggling math assignment­s, they’ll also tackle work sheets prepared by reporters from the national broadcaste­r RAI. And separate from the weekly hour of religion, they will receive a list of what amounts to a new set of Ten Commandmen­ts.

Among them: Thou shalt not share unverified news; thou shall ask for sources and evidence; thou shall remember that the internet and social networks can be manipulate­d.

The lessons are part of an experiment by the Italian government, in cooperatio­n with leading digital companies including Facebook, to train students steeped in social media how to recognize fake news and conspiracy theories online.

“Fake news drips drops of poison into our daily web diet and we end up infected without even realizing it,” said Laura Boldrini, the president of the Italian lower house of Parliament, who has spearheade­d the project with the Italian Ministry of Education.

“It’s only right to give these kids the possibilit­y to defend themselves from lies,” said Ms. Boldrini, who is left-leaning but not affiliated with any political party. The initiative will be rolled out in 8,000 high schools across the country starting on October 31.

Italy, of course, is not alone in trying to find a way to grapple with the global proliferat­ion of propaganda that has sown public confusion and undermined the credibilit­y of powerful institutio­ns.

Pope Francis recently announced that he would dedicate his 2018 World Communicat­ions Day address to the topic of fake news, and the United States Congress is investigat­ing how Russian agents manipulate­d Facebook and Twitter to spread false stories and stoke conspiracy theories to sway the 2016 presidenti­al election.

But ahead of crucial Italian elections early next year, the country has become an especially fertile ground for digital deceit. Frustrated by economic woes, upset by a migrant crisis and fed a steady diet of partisan media, many Italians subscribe to all kinds of conspiracy theories. It is what they call dietrologi­a, the belief that there is also always something dietro, or behind, the surface.

The Italian passion for seeing intrigue everywhere runs deep, said Alessandro Campi, a professor of political science at Perugia University. “All of this is part of the Italian cultural heritage,” he said.

A history of scheming Borgia cardinals, waves of foreign domination, papal crackdowns and corrupt government­s had imbued Italians with a distrust in authority, Mr. Campi said.

In recent years, this background has helped erode the standing of traditiona­l political parties while being exploited by political upstarts, insurgents and outsiders, none more so than the surging Five Star Movement and its founder, Beppe Grillo.

“It’s not only a tactic,” Mr. Campi said of the movement, which has succeeded in attracting votes from the left and the right with an ideologica­lly ambiguous form of populism. “It’s their political worldview.”

Ms. Boldrini, sponsor of the new student curriculum, asserts that the web cannot be forfeited to the fringes, and that the government must teach the next generation of Italian voters how to defend themselves against falsehoods and conspiracy theories designed to play on their fears.

She said she had included Google and Facebook in the project in an acknowledg­ment that virtual space is where many young Italians live.

But she expressed skepticism about Facebook’s commitment to reining in fake news and hate speech, and recognized that the Italian school project might have provided the giant with a public relations boon.

Facebook was quick to applaud the program. Laura Bononcini, chief of public policy for Facebook in Italy, Greece and Malta, said that “the program is part of an internatio­nal effort. Education and media literacy are a crucial part of our effort to curb the spread of false news.”

Ms. Boldrini also noted that Facebook was contributi­ng by promoting the initiative through targeted ads to high-school-age users, and she said she hoped that the program could become a “pilot program” for Facebook throughout Europe.

The program seeks to deputize students as fake-news hunters, showing them how to create their own blogs or social accounts to expose false stories. In Italy, that gives them a lot of ground to cover.

 ?? ANDREAS SOLARO/ AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES ?? Laura Boldrini, a member of Italy’s Parliament, has led a push to train students how to identify fake news.
ANDREAS SOLARO/ AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES Laura Boldrini, a member of Italy’s Parliament, has led a push to train students how to identify fake news.

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