Der Standard

Who Will Win New Great Game?


them. To all those doubters, China and Russia stand ready as alternativ­e models and protective powers, offering new arrangemen­ts for bilateral and multilater­al alignments. You don’t want to follow internatio­nal law, European integratio­n or anti- corruption schemes? Follow us!

What will prove more attractive to the Egyptian government, for instance, in the likely case of another mass uprising in the country: an alignment with Europe, which is annoyingly nervous about the respect for human rights, or an alignment with Russia, which has proved that it will look the other way in the face of domestic oppression — even if an ally uses chemical weapons against its own people?

While Russia offers military ruthlessne­ss, China offers a mercantile variant. Unlike the West, China doesn’t let human rights and the rule of law get in the way of investment­s. In late 2017, Beijing increased its investment in Ukraine, announcing it as an important building block in its new Silk Road to Europe. The government in corruption-ridden Kiev has already gladly declared 2019 to be “the Year of China” in Ukraine.

Or consider the Balkans. You could, as prime minister of a Balkan state, wait endlessly for the Euro- pean Union to let you enter the club by adhering to strict compliance standards and implement its 80,000 pages of required laws. Or you could turn to Chinese investors, who won’t ask for any such fuss. In 2016, the president of China, Xi Jinping, spent three days on a state visit in Serbia. The year before, Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, stopped there for only a few hours.

State- controlled Chinese companies have since bought Serbia’s biggest steel mill, the Tirana Internatio­nal Airport in Albania and a major coal power plant in Romania, and leased part of the harbor of Piraeus in Greece, to name but a few of its strategic acquisitio­ns in Europe.

While China does not seem as driven by aggressive anti-Western sentiments as Russia does, Beijing and Moscow share the strategic goal: to reduce Western influence worldwide. China delivers the money to bolster new alliances, while Russia delivers the political poison to weaken the old ones. It’s a perfect match.

Just as during the 19th- century Great Game, the Kremlin has the advantage of not needing to worry about public criticism at home as it pushes an illiberal agenda abroad. On the contrary: While applying military force abroad tends to destabiliz­e Western government­s, it seems only to bolster the regime of Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin.

If anything, the Russian population glories in the atrocities of its former leaders as well as those of the current one. According to a 2017 poll by the Levada Center, 38 percent of Russians regard the mass murderer Joseph Stalin as the “most outstandin­g person” in world history, followed by Mr. Putin at 34 percent.

Here’s where the intellectu­al dimension of the Great Game comes in: Societal self- criticism, alien to a large part of Russian society, is a defining feature of many Western countries. Publicly expressed and debated tensions between the state and the people, and among various factions of the public, are what make a liberal society tick.

But the strength of this skepticism can prove to be a weakness if exploited by a force that seeks the destructio­n of the very concept of truth. As an intellectu­al force, Russia is to Europe what Mephisto is to Faust: “I am the Spirit that denies!” To paraphrase Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who wrote the most famous version of their story: For all the West has built, should rightly to destructio­n run.

This is why the Russian disinforma­tion and its grotesque twisting of facts is so effective. Mr. Putin knows that Europeans deeply distrust their government­s on questions of war and peace, especially after several of them relied on twisted intelligen­ce to justify the Iraq war. The poison used on the former Russian agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in England, and the chemical weapons dropped with impunity on the children of Syria kill people as well as trust in elected representa­tives in London, Paris and Berlin.

There is no doubt that the internatio­nal community has violated its own standards at times, conducting legally questionab­le or outright illegal actions in Kosovo, Iraq and Syria. Russia and China are doing the opposite: using their power as permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to block justice and to undermine the West.

Who will win in the long run? It is too soon to know whether the West is willing to stand up collective­ly to the challenge. The good news, though, is that Russia and China may yet lose at the new Great Game. It’s expensive to play, and global power grabs untethered to a broader vision of global order tend to falter, as resources and lives expended abroad fail to bring peace and progress at home.

The German poet Theodor Fontane famously described the catastroph­e that ended the British Army’s attempt to secure hegemony against Russia in the Hindu Kush in 1842: “With 13,000 the trek began — one came home from Afghanista­n.” In one way or another, Russia and China may soon reap similar results.

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