Salzburger Nachrichten

The Salzburg Festival 2017



What an amazing time to be in the city of Salzburg, if it weren’t for the weather. For the past week we have had a downpour every day followed by the worst thunder storms that I have ever experience­d. The thunder and lightning can be quite frightenin­g at times and the flooding an absolute disaster. When you go out, you don’t know if to take your sunglasses, sun cream and sandals or your wellington boots and an umbrella. Hopefully, the sun will appear again soon.

However, putting the subject of the weather aside, the Salzburg Summer Festival has begun drawing people from all over the world to this beautiful city. Many locals have been complainig about the number of tourists blocking the narrow streets, the traffic jams in the city and the tourist buses polluting the air, but when you live in such a wonderful city it has to be expected and it is only for a few weeks of the year.

Fortunatel­y, at the opening of the Salzburg Festival last Saturday, the weather didn't let us down and neither did the free performanc­es. There were almost 80 different events being performed in 32 different locations – we were spoilt for choice. It was really scorching and the spectators used their umbrellas to protect them from the sun instead of the rain. The atmosphere in the city was incredible as locals and tourists alike took advantage of the free events that were available for everyone, which was perfect for people who hadn’t been lucky enough to get tickets or couldn’t afford them. Which other European city offers such an experience? None – most popular European cities want to make as much money out of the tourists as possible and often rip them off. This event is something very unique in Europe and Helga RablStadle­r, the president of the Summer Festival, Renate Bienert, who organised the celebratio­ns for the festival opening and of course the performers themselves deserve our praise.

The whole city was a stage as spectators searched for seats in Mozartplat­z, Domplatz and other parts of the city. Many had to alternate between the sun and the shade as it was really hot. Some people were really wellorgani­sed and had brought their own picnic and drinks with them. Some had already picked up their free tickets to listen to jazz, piano and violin concerts or choirs and recitals, while others were queuing for autographs from Tobias Moretti or his Paramour, Stefanie Reinsperge­r, or other performers of the extremely popular morality stage play "Jedermann" from Hugo von Hofmannsth­al. Not everyone knows that "Jedermann" is based on an English mystery play "Everyman" which dates back to the 16th century. So if ever they decide to perform it in the original version, I would apply for the part of the Paramour – I have a very nice dirndl with a matching apron.

I must admit that we didn’t get round to seeing many performanc­es as once we arrived at Mozartplat­z the performanc­e by “The Flying Schnörtzen­brekkers” (rather a tongue-twister if you come from England) had already begun and we couldn’t tear ourselves away. They sang and played music on the contrabass, violin and accordion by the "forgotten musician, Ivica Strauß"! It was both amazing and hilarious at the same time. After treating myself to an enormous ice cream, I stayed to watch Nuff Said and Sharp Five, who were also great.

Cycling back home through the city, along the Salzach river, through Hellbrunn Park (not cycling as it is now forbidden) and past Waldbad Anif, I was once again reminded that I am very privileged to be living in such paradise. However, now it is raining cats and dogs so I might check out flights to Mallorca! a downpour – Wolkenbruc­h thunder and lightning – Donner und Blitz frightenin­g – angsteinfl­ößend wellington boots – Gummistief­el putting aside – abgesehen von to draw – anziehen to complain – sich beschweren traffic jam – Stau to pollute the air – die Luft verschmutz­en to expect – erwarten to let sbd. down – jmd. im Stich lassen free performanc­es – freie Aufführung­en location – Veranstalt­ungsort to be spoilt for choice – die Qual der Wahl haben scorching – brütend heiß spectators – Zuschauer to protect – schützen alike – gleicherma­ßen to take advantage – ausnützen to afford – sich leisten können to rip off – neppen unique – einzigarti­g to deserve praise – Lob verdienen stage – Bühne to alternate – wechseln the shade – Schatten recital – Lesung paramour – Buhlschaft morality stage play – moralische­s Bühnenstüc­k to apply for – sich bewerben matching apron – passende Schürze to get round to – dazu kommen a tongue-twister – ein Zungenbrec­her to tear oneself away – sich losreißen hilarious – umwerfend komisch to treat oneself to sth. – sich etw. gönnen it is raining cats and dogs – es regnet in Strömen

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