


1. The prepositio­n for is used to say how long an activity continues. It refers to the length of time (for an hour, for ages).

2. The prepositio­ns from ... to ... also tell us how long an activity continues. They refer to the start and the finish. (You could also say from ... until / till ...) 3. The prepositio­n until (or till) refers to the end point

(until 4.30).

4. Another way to talk about the length of time is to use the verb spend (+ length of time) + verb + -ing.

5. The verb take can be used to say how much time you need to do something. 6. Here, the prepositio­n in indicates how much time is needed to do something. It refers to the length of

time (in an hour).

7. The prepositio­n by has a similar meaning, but it refers to the end point (by six = at or before six). 8. More examples of in and

by with time expression­s.

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