
Secret agents in Berlin

The words in this puzzle are taken from this issue’s The US in Germany. You may find it helpful to refer to the text on pages 40–43.



1. “The image has remained in my

ever since.”

3. What actually happens, not what is

imagined or thought.

4. To travel by bike.

5. Raised land, but not as high as a


7. To listen secretly to other people’s

telephone calls, radio broadcasts, etc. 10. “The novel is written from a child’s


12. James Bond’s job.

14. A number of television programmes that deal with the same subject or have the same characters.

15. A starting point; principles underlying certain ideas or actions.

16. An instructio­n to do something.

17. To move around without purpose or



1. Measure of distance.

2. Done not long ago.

3. “Access to most government buildings is .”

4. A place where two streets meet. 6. Something special and expensive

may be a .

8. Newspapers, magazines and other

sources of news.

9. Someone who comes to see a person

or place.

11. “The criminals made their on


13. “The from the top of the tower

was incredible.”

 ??  ??

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