
The US in Germany

KARIN HOLLY unterhält sich mit den Mitglieder­n von Whale City, einer deutschen Pop-rock-band, die auf Englisch singt und sich vom kalifornis­chen Lebensstil inspiriere­n lässt.


Meet the band: Whale City

No one driving through the quaint Bavarian village of Rott, located between Landsberg am Lech and Weilheim, would describe it as a city. And as far as I can see, there are no whales swimming in any of the local ponds. Still, Rott is exactly where you’ll find Whale City. Only it’s not so much a place as a sound: Whale City is an alternativ­e pop and rock band that traces its roots to California’s magnificen­t coast.

Back in Bavaria, in a sound studio above an expanded barn, Andreas Görlitz, Juri Jangl, and Michael Eichele get together nearly every day to craft their music. Their songs can be edgy and melodious at once. They evoke a sense of longing. The musicians ask me if I want to hear some of their music. How can I say no?

It’s a real treat to get a first, exclusive listen to what they’ve composed. One of the songs they play is called “The Shore.” It’s what I would classify as a “driving song,” the type of music you would listen to in the car with the top down, feeling the wind in your hair and cruising along a beautiful stretch of road.

 ??  ?? barn [ba:rn] Scheune, Stall , craft [kräft] gestalten, ausarbeite­n , edgy ifml. [(edzi] kantig , evoke [i(vouk] heraufbesc­hwören , longing [(LO:NIN] Sehnsucht , magnificen­t [mäg(nifisent] großartig, wundervoll , pond [pa:nd] Teich, Weiher , quaint [kweint] idyllisch, malerisch , shore [SO:R] Küste, Ufer , stretch [strets] Gebiet, Bereich , trace [treis] zurückverf­olgen , treat [tri:t] Vergnügen, Genuss ,
barn [ba:rn] Scheune, Stall , craft [kräft] gestalten, ausarbeite­n , edgy ifml. [(edzi] kantig , evoke [i(vouk] heraufbesc­hwören , longing [(LO:NIN] Sehnsucht , magnificen­t [mäg(nifisent] großartig, wundervoll , pond [pa:nd] Teich, Weiher , quaint [kweint] idyllisch, malerisch , shore [SO:R] Küste, Ufer , stretch [strets] Gebiet, Bereich , trace [treis] zurückverf­olgen , treat [tri:t] Vergnügen, Genuss ,

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