
Peggy’s Place

Peggy, die Wirtin von Spotlights ganz eigenem Londoner Pub, ist niedergesc­hlagen und braucht ein wenig Aufmunteru­ng. Von INEZ SHARP


Visit Spotlight’s very own London pub

George: It feels almost like things are back to normal.

Sean: I’ve said it before, but I don’t think things will ever be quite like they were before the pandemic.

Helen: You’re right. I notice it every day at work. The way people move around each other. People — especially older people — are still careful not to touch.

George: That’ll go away, too. You’re very quiet, Peggy.

Peggy: I’ve got stuff on my mind. There seem to be a lot of loose ends to tie up. We started all sorts of projects in lockdown that are now just hanging there.

Helen: Like what?

Peggy: Well, the pub near Loch Lomond for a start.

George: We talked that over, Peggy. Buying it would be too much work for all of us.

Peggy: I keep working up to calling the local council there, but they’re going to be so disappoint­ed.

Helen: Aren’t there any other potential buyers?

Peggy: Not a single one — and they were so nice...

George: ...even when you arrived three hours late and smelling of vodka.

Peggy: And they threw a party for us.

Helen: Just get it over with. Set yourself a deadline and then call them.

Sean: Helen’s right. And keeping them waiting is unkind, too.

Helen: So, what else is on your agenda?

Peggy: The renovation­s to the kitchen.

George: Hasn’t that been done yet?

Sean: No!

Helen: But you were planning that months ago!

Peggy: Yeah, I’m really hacked off. We ordered all the new equipment, but because of the pandemic, the delivery times have been pushed right back.

Sean: We’ll be lucky if we have the kitchen done by October.

George: What we all need is something to look forward to.

Peggy: I’m not making plans for anything that isn’t one hundred per cent guaranteed going to happen.

George: That narrows things down.

Helen: What did you have in mind?

George: Well, I was thinking about an outing for all of us.

Sean: What we really need is something that’ll cheer Peggy up right now.

Peggy: That’s very sweet of you, but...

Helen: Then why don’t we have a party?

George: Now?

Sean: Hell, yes!

Helen: A knees-up!

Sean: A shindig!

George: A bash!

Helen: So, what are we waiting for?

Peggy: But there’s nobody here? It’s after hours.

Sean: We’re here!

George: I’m sure if we called Jane, she’d be up for some partying.

Peggy: You’re right there.

Helen: And tell her she can bring her handsome new boyfriend.

George: Where’s Phil?

Peggy: He’s already in bed.

George: That’s sad!

Sean: Never mind. Six is enough for a party. I’m off to the kitchen to cut up some cucumbers.

Helen: Cucumbers? For cucumber sandwiches? Not my kind of party food!

Sean: It’s for Pimm’s, silly.

“I’ve got stuff on my mind”

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