
At a wine tasting

DAGMAR TAYLOR präsentier­t Dialoge und Sprachtipp­s, mit denen Sie spielend Ihr Alltagseng­lisch auffrische­n.



Emma and Carol are at a wine tasting, where the host, Ken, is introducin­g the next wine.

Ken: Now, our next wine is from the Valpolicel­la region of Italy. Again, I’m not going to say too much about it before you try it. So, first of all, how would you describe the colour?

Carol: It’s quite a dark red, isn’t it? Ken: Yes! It has a dark, intense, garnet red colour. Now, the nose. Swirl the wine around the glass to release the

aromas and then stick your nose in and have a good old sniff. (sniffs) What can you smell?

Carol: Eh, plums, or is it cherries? Ken: Yes, both. What else?

Emma: I’m getting a whiff of dark,

roasted coffee.

Ken: Yes! So, we have plums and cherries, and coffee, even chocolate. Now, what about the taste?

2. WHAT DOES IT TASTE LIKE? Emma and Carol are trying a red wine from the Valpolicel­la region of Italy.

Ken: Take a sip and allow a little air into your mouth at the same time. This will accentuate the flavours. (sips)

Carol: Mmm! Oh, that’s gorgeous. I’ve never tasted a wine like this before.

Ken: Yes, I thought you might like it. What is it that you like about it?

Carol: Everything! It has a very nice velvety texture and it’s just so... opulent.

Ken: Well, yes. It has a relatively high alcohol content at 15 per cent, and it’s full-bodied with lovely rich flavours. What can you taste?

Emma: Cherries, prunes, straw


Carol: And vanilla, and toast.

Ken: Excellent! Yes! I can also taste clove and nutmeg, leather and oak.

Emma: You’re right. How much is

this? It tastes expensive.

3. ALL ABOUT THE WINE Ken is telling Emma and Carol more about the wine they have just tasted.

Ken: I’ll tell you the price of the wine in a moment, but would anyone like to hazard a guess as to what kind of wine it is? (pause) No? Well, it’s an Amarone della Valpolicel­la.

Carol: Ah! That’s what I was going

to say.

Ken: (laughs) It’s produced mainly from the corvina grape. After they’re harvested, the grapes are airdried, and they shrivel up into raisins. This concentrat­es the sugar and the flavours in the grapes. The process is called appassimen­to. Amarone is a wine that’s well suited to ageing. It goes very well with game and also mature cheese. How much would you pay for a bottle?

Emma: I’d pay £40 for a bottle — just

not very often.

Ken: (laughs) That’s about right. Now, would anyone like some more?

Carol: Yes, please!

Emma: Yes, please!

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