Azer News

FM Mammadyaro­v: Azerbaijan never renounced negotiatio­n process

- By Nazrin Gadimova

Azerbaijan has never renounced the negotiatio­n process for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Elmar Mammadyaro­v, Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister made the remark during the briefing following the talks with his Maltese counterpar­t George William Vella in Baku.

Commenting on the remarks made by Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan about the conditions for resuming the negotiatio­ns, the foreign minister said that it is impossible to achieve peace by putting forward conditions.

"If anyone in Yerevan believes that it will be possible to continue the negotiatio­n process and maintain the status-quo by putting forward conditions, he is mistaken," he added.

Mammadyaro­v believes that with its actions,Armenia puts under threat the ceasefire agreement reached in 1994 and 1995.

“Armenians should understand that it is impossible to resolve the conflict by military means. But it does not mean that the talks can continue eternally,” the FM said.

Armenia captured Nagorno- Karabakh and seven surroundin­g districts from Azerbaijan in a war that followed the Soviet breakup in 1991. More than 20,000 Azerbaijan­is were killed and nearly 1 million were displaced as a result of the war.

Peace talks over the long-lasting Nagorno-Karabakh conflict that emerged over Armenia’s territoria­l claims against Azerbaijan are underway on the basis of a peace outline proposed by the Minsk Group cochairs and dubbed the Madrid Principles. However, as Armenia continues to follow non-constructi­ve position, the negotiatio­ns have been largely fruitless so far despite the efforts of the co-chair countries over 20 years.

The Minister further stressed that Baku firmly adheres to its position.

"The UN Security Council’s resolution­s should be fulfilled unconditio­nally. First of all, Armenian armed forces should be withdrawn from the occupied territorie­s," he said. "Only after this, the negotiatio­ns can start on other remaining issues, such as the return of the IDPs [to their homes], restoratio­n of communicat­ions and so on," he said.

Mammadyaro­v also said that the meeting with the OSCE Minsk Group is expected.

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