Azer News

Armenia’s vicious plan to undermine energy security of entire Europe


April provocatio­n of Armenia in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan is yet a topic of hot political discussion­s on the level of experts.

Armenia decided to break the armistice after 20 years of gradual silence on the contact line with Azerbaijan­i troops. They targeted both military positions and civilians in the nearby regions of Azerbaijan. Why now and why civilians? While discussing the real motives of such scaly violation of truce the experts drew attention to a number of evident goals that the aggressor had. They in particular mentioned Armenia's intention to continue occupation, to provoke the Azerbaijan­i army on the other side of the frontline, and to spread misinforma­tion in an effort to conceal the true developmen­t of processes. However, it is worth to pay much more attention to the hidden objective of Sargsyan regime's maneuvers.

Indeed, Armenia has never concealed that its targets are not only military facilities. Separatist­s and Armenian armed forces intensivel­y fire at civilian objects, in particular individual houses and schools, in the frontal zone. What is attracting in the last skirmishes the directions they choose for active operations -- the severest shelling was fixed in the Terter direction. Because this is the very shortest way to Armenia's next criminal plan, which really threatens to undermine the situation not only in the region, but in Europe in whole.

Azerbaijan­i pipelines designed to bring oil and gas to the world markets through Georgia and Turkey are the major artery for economic activ- ity in the region. These pipelines are running not far from the contact line and they are the true target that the Armenian army attempted to achieve by staging the April provocatio­n.

Large aggression against Azerbaijan indeed blocked the way for Armenia to join the scaly economic and different regional projects, in fact leading to the formation of the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey strategic alliance.The fact really disturbs Yerevan, making it take more radical steps.

Armenian armed forces have intensifie­d the shelling of the civilians in the frontline areas in an effort to raise panic. They expect to repeat the scenario realized exactly 25 years ago and displace the local population to leave their lands. That would facilitate their attacking the Azerbaijan­i pipelines in line with the plan they mentioned in their statements few years ago.

One can suppose the results of such adventure for the entire continent and energy security of Europe. Sargsyan and his sidekicks, immersed in hatred toward Azerbaijan, do not even realize that such an attack on Azerbaijan will mean an attack on the major part of Europe, whilst the result of this energy terror will be suicidal in all respects for Sargsyan and his country.

The last retaliatio­n of the Azerbaijan army to Armenian provocatio­ns of course showed that this plan is doomed to failure. Utter defeat, loss of strategic heights and huge human losses should make the occupant cool and think deeply about the consequenc­es of such vicious plan.

That should urge one not to be on a passive position in this matter: Armenia and terrorists on the state power of this country are the major threats to peace and stability in the European scale.

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