Azer News

Armenia commits crime against Azerbaijan­i civilians

- By Nazrin Gadimova

Armenia has violated the internatio­nal law and committed crime against the Azerbaijan­i civilians.

Foreign Ministry's spokesman Hikmet Hajiyev made the statement while answering questions of journalist­s in the Aghdam region.“Therefore, Armenia and its leaders are directly responsibl­e for these actions,” he added.

A group of local and foreign journalist­s have visited Azerbaijan­i residentia­l settlement­s shelled by the Armenian troops along the frontline on April 29.

Residentia­l areas in Aghdam have been considerab­ly damaged as a result of Armenian armed forces` shelling on the night of April 27-28.

One civilian was killed, while eight others were injured in the shelling. Twelve houses and a shop were fully destroyed, while a house was burnt, 59 other houses were damaged. Some twelve heads of cattle and a horse have been annihilate­d, one car was destroyed.

Ahmad Ahmadov, the relative of the killed Agdam resident, believes that Armenian armed units target civilians because they do not have enough strength to cope with the army of Azerbaijan.

“If the talks on Karabakh are accompanie­d by such provocatio­ns, then we are against such negotiatio­ns. If there are peace negotiatio­ns, then such incidents should not occur. All of us are ready to take part in the fight against aggressor. We will never leave our native lands,”Ahmadov said.

Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry announced that in case Armenia continues shelling Azerbaijan­i settlement­s, the Azerbaijan­i Armed Forces will inflict retaliator­y strikes on Armenia’s military facilities located in residentia­l areas.

“Under the instructio­ns of the management of the Ministry of Defense, Azerbaijan’s army takes resolute retaliator­y measures to silence the enemy’s fire,” spokespers­on of the Ministry of Defense Vagif Dergahli told the journalist­s visiting the frontline.

“Armenian units have shelled our residentia­l areas close to the frontline from the occupied territorie­s during last three days,” he said. "The shelling was carried out from mortars, howitzers, BM-21 (Grad) and BM-21 (Grad) multiple rocket launchers."

It is not the first time, when Armenia targets peaceful population of Azerbaijan. Over the whole existence of the conflict, Yerevan has resorted to the provocatio­ns towards civilians.

Shortly before the so-called ‘four-day-war’ Armenian Armed Forces have injured 17-years-old Joshgun Mammadov, a resident of Azerbaijan’s Agdam region. More- over, the Armenian military forces have wounded three residents of Azerbaijan’s Terter region.

The hostilitie­s in the contact line of troops renewed on April 24 as a result of the Armenian provocatio­n. Despite the Russia-brokered agreement achieved on April 5,Armenia violated ceasefire with Azerbaijan by shelling its positions and civilians using prohibited weapons.

Azerbaijan has repeatedly called on Armenia to abstain from violence, butYerevan keeps ignoring all the appeals.

Armenia captured NagornoKar­abakh and seven surroundin­g districts from Azerbaijan in a war that followed the Soviet breakup in 1991. More than 20,000 Azerbaijan­is were killed and nearly 1 million were displaced as a result of the war. Armenia has not yet implemente­d four UN Security Council resolution­s on withdrawal of its armed forces from the occupied territorie­s.

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